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Naphtha is a flammable oil, generally very dark brown or black and flowing with a consistency similar to that of blood. Natural springs of the substance exist, but these are extremely rare and often very small, and many natural sources seem resistant to being processed. It is also produced in Caelester's Guild of Nightsoil Collectors.


Origin & Source

Naphtha is a final product of necrotic decay on biological material, though natural springs are theorized to be the result of decay over a nigh unimaginable timespan rather than the result of ancient magics.   The naphtha found in Caelester is produced by a magical field of necrotic energy that causes the extremely rapid decay of any unprotected biological material that enters it. That city's nightsoil collectors began exploiting this a century ago, after discovering this field while constructing the city's sewer system. Instead of releasing the sewage into the ocean as was originally planned, they routed the sewage into the decay field, thus producing a steady supply of naphtha.

History & Usage

Everyday use

While Naphtha is occasionally used in its natural state to enhance the effects of fire magic, it is most commonly used in its processed forms. By boiling the liquid for several hours, explosive gasses sometimes trapped within are driven off, and the oil thickens considerably. After cooling, it separates into a thick black tar and a colourless oil that releases no smoke when burned. These are both highly valuable trade goods. The tar can be melted again with further heating, and then applied to render a substance indefinitely waterproof - a tremendous boon in shipbuilding and roof construction. The clear oil is sold as lamp oil, and is a popular source of artificial lighting among those who lack the magical talent to produce arcane lights.   It is notable that the Nightsoil Collectors avoid using either product in their operations. The continuous decay of waste at the exit of their sewer system also produces an odorless and explosive gas that renders the use of flame lighting extremely dangerous anywhere in the deep tunnels around the decay field. And, while the tar can be used for any other form of waterproofing, the Exposure Suit they have designed to protect themselves from the necrotic field's effects seems to consistently fail to ward off the danger, which led to three separate outbreaks of the Rising Sickness in the city before it was discovered. Masters of the guild now take the precaution of assuming any substance that has been exposed to necrotic energy or natural rot must not be used in the field, lest it provide a vector for a worker to be exposed to the dangerous energies.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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