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Silent Sea

The Silent Sea is a small sea off the coast of Asuria defined by a chain of mountainous islands. These islands break up ocean storms, making the Silent Sea unusually calm. As a result, the entire coastline of the sea, including the leeward side of the barrier islands, functions as a natural harbour.  

Maritime Activity

The Silent Sea has been a locus of maritime trade since ancient times, at least as far back as the Asurian Empire. The city of Caelester was a major shipyard and trade port for the empire, and has maintained its dominance over the region in the milennia since.   The barrier islands are home to a number of Caelestran forts, outfitted with a varity of catapults and trebuchets, as well as a handful of cannons, which have only recently been developed.   Since the earthquake, the forts have begun operating independently, refusing to recognize the authority of the Steward. Some act entirely independently, while others have been taken over by merchants both from Caelester and elsewhere. While Caelester still manages to police the waters immediately around its own harbour, most of the border islands have become a hotbed of pirate activity, with merchants hiring freelance captains to protect their ships and harass those of their rivals.  


The Silent Sea is a critical region for much of the natural world as well. Its sheltered waters provide an excellent habitat for fish to spawn in, with a number of species, including whales, turtles, sharks, and a host of smaller fish flocking to the region at different points in the year.   The sheltered waters also support a large and dense kelp forest, which covers the northern two thirds of the sea. This provides shelter for a huge variety of fish, and supports a thriving population of sea otters. A small stone reef can be found in the gap between the southernmost island and the mainland, along with the remains of all too many ships whose captains thought they could manage the passage. While it lacks the diverse colours of the coral reefs found in southern lands, the cracks and crevasses support a variety of mollusks and cephalopods, creating a popular spot for Caelestran divers to visit during times of plenty.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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