BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Tagging Scheme


Location Types
  • Shop - Places for players to visit to buy supplies
  • Social - Social hubs, places for players to meet a variety of interesting people. Taverns, guild halls, and other such gathering places.
  • Landmark - Sites of particular prominence. The kind of place people would mention while giving directions to somewhere else
  • Dungeon - Dangerous locales where hostile beings lurk.
  • Hidden - Locations with more to them than meets the eye. Places for criminals to conduct their dealings, merchants to conduct private backroom deals, and other socially unsavoury topics.
  • Residence - Places that characters live and tend to personal affairs.
  • Dressing - Places developed for background detail purposes, which are available to be tied into a plot thread in some way
  • PLACEHOLDERCityName - Locations within the borders of the city
  • PLACEHOLDERNeighborhood - Locations in unnamed neighborhood
  • PLACEHOLDEROutlyingRegion - Locations in the rural territories of the city state
  • PLACEHOLDEROtherTerritory - Locations in territories beyond the city state


  • Questgiver - Characters who have a problem that the party might solve
  • Informant - Characters with a broad range of information on other characters, intended to help guide the party towards questgivers or drop clues.
  • Lorekeeper - Characters with specific information relevant to certain topics. Useful when their knowledge is relevant, otherwise not so much
  • Enemy - Characters who are intended to oppose the party. Antagonists of quests and other such minor figures
  • PLACEHOLDERFactionLeader - The leader of this faction - possibly one of several for more democratic factions
  • PALCEHOLDERFactionSenior - A notable figure in this faction - someone who can make decisions and is considered a major/critical member
  • PLACEHOLDERFactionMember - A lesser member of this faction - someone loyal to this faction, but not seen as important and possibly even considered expendable.

Cover image: Decorative Divider 44 by Firkin


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