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Creation & History

Eladrin are one of the first creatures that were born in the Feywild . Being created from the overflow of magic from the Material Plane of Eslar they are a mirror of Elves. The first Eladrin were also godless but unlike their darker counterparts of Drow they saw as their creators and thus worshiped them accordingly, creating their culture around love and peace.  


Similar to Elves the fertile period of Eladrin falls somewhere between 120 and 300, and they also have some issues conceiving. However with the magic in the Feywild they are able to mitigate those issues a little better and are able to sustain their numbers to slow down their inevitable extinction.  


Due to the magic of the Feywild, Eladrin's appearance is often dictated by their mood. There are four distinct "states" an Eladrin can be in. Some switch as often as multiple times a day, while some stay in their preferred state their entire lives. However typically Eladrin can still be easily be recognized as themselves since they only change their colors and not their entire apperance.


Eladrin in their Winter states usually take on cooler, such as white, blue, and gray, hues with muted saturation.
Common Skin Tones
Common Hair Colors

Common Eye Colors
Winter Eladrin
An example of an Eladrin in their Winter form


Spring Eladrin
An example of an Eladrin in their Spring form
Spring Eladrin are typically youthful in their color palette. Many Eladrin default to hues of greens and pinks for their Spring states.
Common Skin Tones
Common Hair Colors

Common Eye Colors


Summer Eladrin are considered closest to Humans and Material Plane Elves in their collorations, typically taking on warm and muted colors reminiscent of a summer evening.
Common Skin Tones
Common Hair Colors

Common Eye Colors
Summer Eladrin
An example of an Eladrin in their Summer form


Autumn Eladrin
by SaltMe
An example of an Eladrin in their Autumn form
Autumn state of an Eladrin is somewhat similar to their Summer state in its color pallette, but it is more vibrant and contains more reds and oranges.
Common Skin Tones
Common Hair Colors

Common Eye Colors

Pointy Ears

Eladrin, like Elves, posses pointy ears that are fairly distinctive and are one of the main identifying features of an Elf.

Slender Features

Similar to Elves, Eladrin posses more slender features, but even more exaggerated than those of Elves.
Average Lifespan
800 years   Age of Adulthood
100 years   Average Height
5'8" - 6'4"

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