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Creation & History

Elves are considered the first born children of who populated Eslar with them once it was complete. They built the first civilizations and ruled Eslar for thousands of years before the first Human ever set foot upon its soil. There are of course no original elves still left on Eslar, no matter what some people might tell you, elves do only live up to 600 years until their life is prolonged via magical means.


Since the beginning of Eslar the number of pure elves has been slowly but steadily dwindling, unfortunately they pay a hefty price for their long lives, elves are only fertile once they hit the age of 120 and lose the ability to reproduce by the age of 300; and even then many elves have trouble having conceiving with other pure blood elves.

Elf "Subspecies"

In the grand scheme of things there are actually four types of elves, two of which are actually not related to each other or the main Material Plane Elves in genealogy.  
  High Elves are sometimes also called "original" or "pure" elves. These elves can trace their lineage all the way back to the First Elves that managed to survive The Ascend of Netarr. Considered vaguely elitists' and classist even by other elves, these elves often live in segregated communities.   As elves mingled with the rest of the races the Half Elves were born.
Species | Nov 10, 2022
Drow were created from the same magic that brought Eslar into existence. It bore down into the core of the Material Plane and grew in the Underdark to create the initially immortal Drow. They are a reflection of High Elves of old.
Species | Nov 10, 2022
As worked on Elsar, Feywild was created as a mirror of the Material Plane, and so as they put the first elves onto it's soil, so did the Eladrin sprout forth in the land of magic.


Elves are fairly similar in appearance to Humans and posses a multitude of skin tones, hair and eye colors, as well as all sort of other characteristics that make each distinctive.
However that being said there are a few characteristics that elves share as a race.

Pointy Ears

Elves posses pointy ears that are fairly distinctive and are one of the main identifying features of an Elf.

Slender Features

Being built in the image of the two creators, Elves often posses more slender features, high more pronounced cheekbones, and more pointy noses.

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