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Since the beginning of creation, storm giants have acted as a sort philosopher kings towards their race. Before the Fall, these distant and detached rulers observed their kind from mountain peaks, cloud-top castles, and underwater fortresses. Following the World Shatter, the storm giants laid claim to the island of Vindr, seeking a place they could resume their role as watchful oracles and the leaders of giant kind.   In the wake of the World Shatter, the storm giants used their spectacular arcane talents to construct the city of Maelifdar. A stronghold befitting a king, Maelifdar was founded by the legendary storm giant king, Hekaton. Built atop the mountain range designated for his namesake--the Hekaton Peaks - the massive city displays beautifully ornate Romanesque architecture and sculpture. Built of dark stone and iron and surrounded by impenetrable walls, the city stands as a beacon to the giant race.

The Dracomachy

During the events of the Dracomachy, a significant conflict took place on the doorsteps of the great city of Maelifdar. The great King Hekaton and his army of giant kin engaged the ancient blue dragon Iymrith in a contest that shook the very foundations of existence. The two colossal opponents fought one another ruthlessly and further solidified the longstanding hatred between the giant and dragon races. In the end, the giant king was victorious and as his prize he took the ancient blue dragon’s skull to help craft the now famous Wyrmskull Throne that resides within the royal court room of the Skyekeep.


Founded by the great King Hekaton, the city of Maelifdar and the kingdom of the storm giants have projected power from the island of Vindr since the World Shatter. In the name of the All-Father, the storm giants continue to uphold the ordning and maintain their position at the top of the giant caste system. Control of the throne has remained within Hekaton's family line, passing from the storm giant king to his daughter Serissa upon his death. The current ruler of the Kingdom of Vindr is King Atlas III, King Hekaton's great-grandson. Regarded as a fair and humble ruler, King Atlas III commands his office with dignity and justice.   The Kingdom of Vindr exists as a monarchy led by its king who maintains total sovereignty within its borders. In addition to the king, a council represented by a single member of each of the true giant races also helps to govern the territory. Using the power of the Conch of Teleportation, the diplomats and leaders of the various giant races are able to transport themselves to the Skyekeep and weigh in on matters concerning the royal court.

Industry & Trade

The city is home to the storm giant king and as such, is considered a marvel of giant society. A number of inns, taverns, and shops can be found throughout the city; however, "small-folk" will be hard pressed to find any establishment readily equipped to service their needs. Regardless, the storm giants take pride in their home and have established a vibrant industry around the mining of precious metals and the creation of arcane wonders. Ever since the events of the Dracomachy, Maelifdar has maintained a strong trade relationship with the city of Drakengard, even going so far as to indulge in its dragon hunting economy.


The city was built in the shadow of Mt. Atlas, at the source of the Whiteruun River. Hekaton understood the tactical advantages afforded to him in defense of his people's new home by building it in this location. From the outside, Maelifdar appears as an enormous fortress enclosed by massive crenelated stone walls and towers, minaret style turrets flanking the major structures, and the Skykeep standing several hundred feet tall over the remainder of the giant-haven.


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