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Tribes of Votar

The Tribes of Votar are a collection of nomadic orc clans residing within the Giant Steppe in Eldamir. Sometimes referred to as orken, these nomadic warriors are comprised of seven main clans and have dominated the Giant Steppe for several millennia. The orc tribes are known for being capable equestrians and fearsome combatants. Each of the tribes is represented by their most impressive and formidable warrior. The tribes are collectively led by an orc who has earned the title of War Chief through a trial by combat known as Bloodrite. The War Chief leads the orc tribes from Votar while elders and advisors from all seven of the clans act as a small council for the ruler.  


A ceremony performed whenever a meeting of the clans is called, the Bloodrite is a trial by combat conducted between the seven Tribes of Votar to choose who will become the War Chief of Votar. The original ritual took place nearly four millennia ago, under the first Harvest Moon celebrated by the orc tribes in their new homeland. The earliest Bloodrite was fought among the original seven orken patriarchs to lead their people across the Sirkaar Desert and the lands of Eldamir to the Giant Steppe.  


The primary goal of the Tribes of Votar is the safety and security of their people. The orcs have long inhabited the Giant Steppe and have watched many a civilization rise and fall. As a result, the orcs maintain a firm grip on the vast territory they control. While each of the tribes does retain a level of independence and are free to pursue their own agendas, the proximity of the elves of Gwyndyr to the south and the Free Cities to the west has long kept the orc tribes on the defensive.


Long before the World Shatter, as the Years of Men were just beginning, much of the planet’s land remained unclaimed. While it is typically believed that the elves were the first race to venture across the Sirkaar Desert and inhabit the territories that would come to be called Eldamir, in fact it was the orcs. Orcs have long played an interesting role in Esosean society. As a chaotically aggressive people with a might makes right attitude, many wars for territorial dominance have been between the orcs and the other humanoid races.   Either as a result of their nature or somehow by nurture, the orc clans of Esos found themselves in constant conflict with the other inhabitants of the planet. While this type of militaristic lifestyle was well-suited and pleasing for the orcs, the seemingly unending battles and skirmishes made it difficult for their society to grow. Therefore, overtime the various orc clans ventured away from the more populated areas of Esos and formed communities where no other race had tried before.   As time passed on, many of the orc groups inhabiting the lands surrounding Valendi and Ekgård withdrew and took up residence in territories previously deemed undesirable by the other humanoid races. A number of tribes traveled north into the Waste, while others ventured south, either making their homes among the Bhaelros Peaks or not stopping until they reached the Amassona Jungle. One subset of orcs made the decision to head east and cross the Sirkaar Desert. This collection of orc tribes would eventually find themselves on the far side of the world, claiming a region dubbed the Giant Steppe as their own and establishing the great orc settlement of Votar.

Tribes of Votar

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories

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