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fire goddess

Divine Domains

fire, passion, dreams (of the future)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

due to being the goddess of fire she naturally has a very high body temprature

Special abilities

the ability to control fire. she can see what peoples passions and dreams are.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

she will ocasionally (depending on the person) give people advice on how to reach their dream.


Family Ties

the other divinities. her parents are Maho and Rhea. her adopted siblings are Namari and Zoras. her other siblings are: Eira, Viros, Aldis, and Tiki
Divine Classification
(elemantal, fire) goddess
Honorary & Occupational Titles
fire goddes/goddess of fire child of nature and magic guardian of passion/dreams (of the future)
Circumstances of Birth
the creation of fire
Known Languages
mainly celestial, but can speak other languages


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