Liberté, also known as Urakai Bay, is a large Pirate settlement on Pulau. Set on a tropical island bay, on the skirts of the Pulau Jungle, the settlement was founded by the Phantom Steel King who sought to create a nation that was truly free.
The most diverse settlement in the world, with no one group forming a majority.
The town exists in anarchy, with the only form of government being the Phantom Steel King, who's corsairs enforces his pirate code.
The whole place is practically a shanty town. Little infrastructure is in place.
Over the centuries of persecution under Margot's rule, many people suffered and were pushed into crime to survive. Others saw their liberty erased, unable to escape the empire where ever they may go to. However, in 1056, there was one pirate who sought to change this.
Steel, the first Warforged to be created, had been living as a pirate for almost 90 years, after escaping his confinement within the Halls of Kaz Thurum. He had amassed a large fortune from his work, and had a large fleet of ships under his command. He also had a dream, to create a land where liberty was above all else, so that none would live a life of confinement like he had once done. It was this dream that pushed steel into creating his own nation on the island of Pulau. He named this place, Liberté.
Over the years the nation grew larger and larger as more and more people sought refuge from the empire. Margot himself saw this as a problem, but had grown too weak to attack the nation himself and instead sent his fleet to flatten the city. But the combined force of pirates and mercenaries almost completely wiped out the imperial fleet. This was the first and only time a military fleet have attacked the town.
Today the town is a bustling hub of both criminals and those who simply wish to live in a nation with few laws.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Urakai Bay
Large town
Location under
Owning Organization
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