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The Golden Peninsula

The Golden Peninsula is a peninsula off the south eastern coast of Estellia. The land is known for its intense heat and wide open grasslands. There are multiple city-states here, who have formed a single coalition known as The Auric Amity.


Dune Fields surround the coast of the Peninsula, whilst the centre of the peninsula is mostly dry, hilly, grassy fields. The further north one goes, the more temperate the climate begins to become and more trees will be found.


The Golden Peninsula was originally home to the Tabaxi, but it attracted races from across the continent due to it's excellent access to warm seas. It became the trading hub of the continent in the first age and, after the fall of Margot, once more in the second age. Until the fall of Margot, the peninsula was home to a number of independent city states, but after the fall of the empire they decided to untie under one group known as The Auric Amity.


Those who can afford to travel for holidays, frequently choose this location because of its relatively safe nature and beautifully tropic vibes.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gold Coast
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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