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Asmodeus (As-moe-dee-us)

Asmodeus is a god/entity that has a significant place in the Estrodian pantheon. He holds a number of titles, among them the Lord of the Nine Hells, The First Devil, and the Great Deciever. Asmodeus is an arch-devil, and is said to be the originator of the Tiefling race. A shard of his soul resides in one of the Godsoul Shards, specifically the Asmodeus Stone.


Asmodeus is usually depicted as a tall, red-skinned devil wearing a long red robe that trails behind him. He almost always has horns ranging wildly in size, and often carries a sceptre adorned with a pentagram. The pentagram is closely associated with Asmodeus, as are other symbols pertaining to the Nine Hells or devils in general.


The Nine Hells are a series of planes that combined constitute Asmodeus' domain. They are vile, sinful lands dedicated to the punishment of great sinners. The Nine Hells are primarily populated by devils, and all devils originate from there. While Asmodeus is the clear ruler of the Hells, the rest of the hierarchy is in constant flux, repeatedly shaken up by devils making deals and backstabbing each other to rise in power. Asmodeus encourages this practice, as in his view it results in only the most powerful and capable devils having a place in the hierarchy.


Followers of Asmodeus are generally secretive, and most do not directly worship Asmodeus himself but rather his domain and aspects. Unlike most gods, this is where Asmodeus draws his strength from, rather than from direct worship. Corrupt politicians, criminals, dictators, and betrayers all contribute to the worship of Asmodeus, despite most never even considering him, and many actively considering themselves opposed to him. The more mortals decieve and betray each other, the more powerful Asmodeus grows.
Divine Classification
Divine Domains
Betrayal, Deception
Asmodeus Stone
Lawful Evil

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