
Violence repays violence. Evil repays evil. Good repays good. These are the tenants of Assuran, who brings justice and retribution to each according to their actions. Allowances? Excuses set forth to falsely acquit the condemned. Allowances exploit, pervert, and impede the course of justice. If you cannot see this, we've nothing to discuss.
  Some claim Assuran once had a broader portfolio of his own, as he often overlaps with his twin brother Marduk. Assuran is the more strict of the two, demanding harsh punishments for lawbreakers. He is still worshipped by the Selonian people as protector of their people, though Marduk officially holds the title King of the Gods. Many Clergy in his service hope to dethrone Marduk as far too gentle for a "true god".

Divine Domains

  • Destruction [Rage, Torture]
  • Law [Inevitable, Judgement, Legislation, Tyrrany]
  • Luck [Fate]
  • Travel [Trade]
  • Trickery [Greed]

Favored Weapon

Composite Shortbow

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A man drawing a bow, standing within a winged circle.
Lawful Neutral [Evil tendencies]


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