The Anunnaki

The Annunaki are collectively the Deities descended from Anu and Ki, though these two are also often included in the Pantheon with their children. Different temples and points in the past have expanded the designation to include the lesser celestial beings who served them. Still others separated out those deities who reigned over the underworld and their servants, while granting a separate title of 'Igigi" to their siblings who reign over the heavens.   The seven most powerful of the Annunaki each took patronage over a single major settlement through the regions of Emidon and Selon. As time has passed, the influence of the older generations of Anunnaki would wax and wane being occasionally replaced with younger deities. Currently, the relatively young deities Marduk and Ashur are the most widely worshipped among their peers, though others are still venerated in their home cities.
Religious, Pantheon

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