

The Pharaoh was the ultimate authority in all things. He is in charge of both secular and religious duties within Deshret. As such, he designates people to take control of certain tasks within both hierarchies.

Below the Pharaoh are the High Priests and the Imy-Ra (Noble class). These roles were often occupied by a royal or the closest non-royal relative.

Lower on the hierarchy are the Haty-A. This role was entirely secular, but often would be held by a local priest of high rank. This person was responsible for the taxes and exercising the laws within their settlement.

Total Population: 370,000 persons
  • Major Cities
  • Mimedj 11,100
    • Major Towns:
    • Syuty 4,662
    • Awak 1,212

345,626 in other towns and villages

7400 residents are itinerant or isolated


Claimed Land: 14,285.8 square miles

Developed Land: 2,055.2 square miles

Population Density: 26/sq.mi

  • 14 Standing Fortifications

    • 7 in Active use
    • 7 ruined forts or castle
    • 11 located in settled regions
    • 3 located in remote/wilderness areas

Villages average 2.7 miles apart

Towns average 33 miles apart

Deshret supports 0 Universities

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Land of the Sedge, Lower Iteru
Leader Title
Related Ethnicities

Tenuous peace



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