Ninmah Damkina

True and Great Queen of Heaven Ninmah

Created by the Mother Goddess KI as a bride for her son Ea/Enki as gift for trying to ease Apsu's wrath before his brother Enlil slayed the primordial deity. Ninmah took over her mother's duties as Queen of the Gods, and took the title Belet-ili, following her marriage to Ea/Enki. As gift for their wedding, Ea's nephew Ninurta was said to have created the first mountains in her honor, and granted her the title Ninhursag meaning Lady of the Sacred Mountains and Foothills.   She would bare two children for Ea: Marduk, who would in time take on the mantle of King of the Gods, and Ninsar, the beautiful young goddess of plants and greenery. As the girl grew into a woman, Ea could not restrain himself. He took his own daughter to his bed, and she would bare him another daughter named Ninkurra, the Lady of Pastures. Ea's lust would spread to this second daughter who would bare him a third daughter Uttu, the weaving spider. She resisted Ea for a time, hidden inside her divine web. He gained her trust with gifts of fresh produce and fine wine. Drunk on the wine, she could no longer resist him.   After this final transgression, Ninmah used her magics to take Ea's seed and plant it into the soil. From the soil she grew eight plants. Ea saw the plants as they grew, and ate them as they looked to be tasty. He became ill in eight separate organs and sought out Ninmah for aid. She would only aid him if he swore to contain his lusts, as this pain was punishment for his behavior. When he agreed to Ninmah's terms, she took the pain into her own body and became greatly pregnant. She would bare eight minor deities: Abu, Nintulla, Ninsutu, Ninkasi, Nanshe, Azimua, Ninti, and Enshag.

Divine Domains

Community (Family), Earth (Caves), Good (Redemption), Healing (Medicine), Nobility (Aristocracy), Plant (Growth)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A horseshoe-shape, similar to the Greek letter Omega. Often found on mountain shaped boundary stones to invoke her power.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Nin-hursag, the Lady of the Sacred Mountain, Nintu the Lady of Birth, Belet-ili the Lady of the Gods, Damkina the True Wife


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