
Divine Domains

Afterlife, fertility, rebirth, resurrection

Holy Books & Codes

Paladins of Osiris aim to defend the sanctity of both life and death, balancing service to these causes with great patience. Their tenets include the following maxims.
  • I will follow the word of the living pharaoh, or an equivalent ruler, so long as the pharaoh’s actions do not cause unnecessary deaths. Malevolent individuals are unfit for the throne.
  • The dead are sacred beings. I will seek and punish any who attempt to defile or desecrate the dead, their possessions, or their burial sites.
  • Souls cursed to not reach the afterlife must be freed. I must use my will to break the shackles of undeath.
  • Life is equally sacred to death and I will defend it whenever possible. Only the gods and the will of a rightful pharaoh can stay my flail.
  • Children are precious, and I will help new and expecting parents when they are in need.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol Crook and flail Sacred Animal Ram

Tenets of Faith

  • Follow the laws of Ma'at to maintain harmony with the world
  • Keep your life free of clutter, to hold order above chaos
  • Be grateful for all the gods have done, as envy befell even the gods
  • Celebrate and remember the lives of those who passed, as only then may the soul live on in the afterlife.


  • Wepet-Renpet Festival - Mid July
  • Wag Festival - Mid to Late August
  • Sokar Festival - Early January
  • Alignment LG
  • Areas of Concern Afterlife, fertility, rebirth, resurrection
  • Domains Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Repose
  • Subdomains Ancestors, Archon (Good), Archon (Law), Growth, Restoration, Resurrection, Souls
  • Favored Weapon Flail
  • Symbol Crook and flail
  • Sacred Animal(s) Ram
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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