
Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Raziel is a muscular Exscinder archon standing nine feet (three meters) tall. Sexless, but with masculine features, he has red-gold and white wings above his shoulders. His skin is platinum-white, his eyes are bright red like rubies, and his hair appears to be made of flame.   Raziel armors himself with a majestic mithral breastplate and shield and bares a massive longsword.

Special abilities

Raziel has all of the powers common to Exscinder archons. In addition to these, unique magical abilities are available to him. He can detect chaos and evil and see any creature as they truly are. By thought alone, he can consecrate an area with positive energy, create a ceaseless fire, illuminate an area with a light as bright as day, surround his head with a flaming crown of brilliance so bright to blind foes, dispel all but the most powerful magical effects, make a site holy, protect his allies with a holy aura, instill hope in subjects within range, send a short message to an individual anywhere in the multiverse, defend himself with a mystical shield, fill an evil creature with intense feelings of remorse, and grant a subject a vision of the Seven Heavens. He can also whisper messages to recipients at a distance.

For his allies, he can grant the immediate effects of a full night’s rest or provide refreshment to those who are feeling weak. With a single, spoken holy word, he can slay or banish wicked beings.

Once a day, Raziel can perform a miracle or call down final judgment on evil mortals, which has the potential to immediately send them to the Lower Planes for eternal punishment.

Raziel shares several abilities in common with paladins, including the ability to turn undead and deal more powerful attacks to evil beings. He is surrounded with an aura that instills courage in his allies.

Specialized Equipment

Raziel's personal weapon is a large holy avenger. Raziel ruled from the Emperea, the City of Tempered Souls, located in the Platinum Heaven. Raziel did not maintain a fortress there but can often be found in one of the cities many hospitals, offering compassion to its patients.
Lawful Good Active
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Raziel received his nickname, Firestar, because of the power of his righteous anger. Opposed to all tyranny and oppression, he has devoted his time toward defending the innocent.
Current Residence
Empyrea, the City of Tempered Souls
ruby red
Orange flame
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Platinum white
9ft (2.74m)
Ruled Locations


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