
Illumis is the fifth level of Heaven, and is the home of philosophical and moral debate and study. Here, the constantly evolving concept of what good is, is constantly tested, refined, and explored. Its steward is known as the Chief Moderator, a title currently held by Xokariel.


With a sky not too different from Requius, Illumis is home to vast plains and savannas that serves as the mustering grounds for paladins and other lawful good servants. Instead of mountains, Illumis has majestic citadels and huge black spherical domes dotting the plains. Access to the next layer up is found at the tops of the domes.



Also called the City of Tempered Souls, Empyrea sits on the edge of a cold, clear mountain lake, Empyrea Mere. The many healing fountains and curative waters in Empyrea can restore withered limbs, lost speech, derangement, and life energy itself; those who ail need only find the right fountain. Empyrea is also known for its healers and hospitals, and many a pilgrim seeks to reach this legendary site of perfect health.


the Chanting Grounds, are a dusty plain. They are the crucible of warrior souls, but also the scene of choirs, chantries, and even yodeling among the archons who spend their days in pursuit of perfection in battle. Here are heard the Celestial Bells, which summon warriors to battle and to prayer. Every body annointed by the Heralds of Arvenna regenerates as long as it remains within the boundaries of the training grounds.


Also known as the City of the Sands of Time, was created by a rogue modron named Secondus to house and care for a massive portal to the temporal plane.

Soqed Hezi

Also known as the City of Swords, it is a terraced town filled with paladins and martial organizations. This citadel is the home to the archons and is one of preparedness and defenses. It has high walls, defensive tunnels and is home to thousands of legion archons waiting for the day they are called to defend their plane. This city follows military disciplines and is ruled by a Star Archon known as Bahram who rules from a throne of swords. All who reside in this city follow their orders without question and are always training.

Palace of Deep Waters

The Palace of Engur, home of Enki and his wife, is located atop a summit in Illumis. A magnificent waterfall flows from beneath the foundation, flowing down the mountainside into the Silver Sea.

Dimensional plane
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