Settlement of Talagra



Newfound mines attract new prospectors to Redgorge and the nearby area. Those living in the area found a new town within the caldera of the nearby volcano. The many underground complexes attract dwarves and gnomes to settle within.

Discovery of numerous profitable mines in the region attracts hundreds of prospectors and adventurers. Redgorge quickly outgrows its walls. Stigandr determines that the nearby volcano is extinct, and that its caldera would make an excellent natural defense against attack from Nabthatoron's armies. Many of Redgorge's inhabitants relocate to this region -- Talagra is founded. Over the centuries, the discovery of many large underground complexes and caverns below the city draws the attention of dwarves and gnomes from far and wide. Two of these regions become Jzadirune and the Malachite Fortress.

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History of Talagra