History of Talagra

While the region has had a relatively recent influx if humans and allied races, the mountains of the Ahedara region have had a long history of inhabitants

Domination of the Spellweavers

1056 SE 2236 SE

  • 1056 SE

    Arrival of the Spellweavers
    Era beginning/end

    Spell weavers from an unknown plane arrive in the area and settle in the region destined to become the Demonskar. They subjugate local ogre tribes and use them to help in building a great city. At this time, the region to the east of Talagra is ruled by the Serpentfolk of Shatterhorn and the underground rivers and lakes are ruled by the kopru. Frost giants rule the mountain tops.

  • 1556 SE

    The coming of Kyuss

    Drawn by rumors of powerful magic in the region, the human necromancer Kyuss arrives in the region. He establishes a base of command and erects a massive tower, known now as the Spire of Long Shadows. His cultists begin skirmishing with the Serpentfolk to the south.

  • 2056 SE

    Spreading of the Spawn of Kyuss
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A mysterious doom comes upon the Spire of Long Shadows. The cultists perish to a man, and Kyuss vanishes. In their wake, the spawn of Kyuss emerge and their evil slowly spreads throughout the world.

  • 2156 SE

    Spellweaver expansion
    Military action

    Last of the kopru are driven off by spell weaver explorers

  • 2236 SE

    Spellweaver's downfall
    Era beginning/end

    When the spell weavers make a critical error in the construction of a massive planar transport device, their city is destroyed in a tremendous explosion that tears a hole in reality. Portals to the Abyss open randomly in the region for the next century, allowing demons to gather and grow strong in the ruins. The massive crater later becomes known as the Demonskar.

Time of the Founders

3340 SE 3460 SE

  • 3340 SE

    Suna's Prophecy
    Religious event

    a cleric of Hecate named Suna woke one night after a particularly vivid dream of a hidden cove, which she believed to be a prophecy from Hecate, She called together her followers, her lover Torleif Hallison, and their ally, the up-and-coming wizard, Stigandr Seiðhǫggva, and began their years long search for her vision.

  • 3342 SE

    Prophecy fulfilled
    Discovery, Exploration

    After nearly two years of searching and the loss of 3/4 of their original strength, Suna's pilgrims found the prophecied cove. Shortly after starting their settlement, the black dragon Zelkarune attacked.

  • 3342 SE

    Sunάthῦma founded

    Following the battle with Zelkarune and the ensuing death of Suna, the city which bares her name was founded in her honor.

  • 3346 SE

    Visitation of Nidrama
    Religious event

    Having become one of the greatest wizards of the age, Stigandr Seiðhǫggva receives a vision from the angel Nidrama, who has grown concerned about the demon infestation in the region. She gifts Stigandr with a potent magic weapon named Alakast, and charges him with the task of settling the region and driving out the demonic taint in the Demonskar.

  • 3356 SE

    Hellfurnace Expedition

    Stigandr leads a small army inland from the newly founded city of Sasserine, on the pretense of founding a new city of his own. He founds Redgorge in the shadow of a great volcano and raises the Basalt Bastions to protect his men from attack while they begin building.

  • 3359 SE

    Engaging the Demonskar
    Military: War

    After Stigandr manages to make great strides in ridding the area of demonic taint, a demon lord who had taken a special interest in the region sends one of his minions to the Demonskar to organize its defense. This demon lord was Lamashtu, and the minion she chose was a glabrezu named Nabthatoron.

  • 3361 SE

    Founding of Lagitope

    Kallikrates Lagides, one of Stigandr's friends and competitors, arrives in the region and founds the nearby village of Lagitope, intending to horn in on whatever action had enticed her friend into the region.

  • 3366 SE

    Military: Battle

    Nabthatoron is defeated by Stigadr. The demonic army withdraws to the Demonskar and has stays entrenched within. Nabthatoron is exiled to the Material Plane for his failure.

  • 3366 SE

    Destruction of Lagitope
    Disaster / Destruction

    During the battle against Nabthatoron, Kallikrates tries to draw upon the power of an ancient kopru necropolis she discovered on the nearby lakebed but loses control over the necromantic energy and destroys the village of Lagitope instead. The village becomes known as the Haunted Village and is shunned from this point on.

  • 3376 SE

    Settlement of Talagra

    Newfound mines attract new prospectors to Redgorge and the nearby area. Those living in the area found a new town within the caldera of the nearby volcano. The many underground complexes attract dwarves and gnomes to settle within.

  • 3406 SE

    The Spellmason Dies
    Life, Death

    Stigandr dies of natural causes. He is entombed in an undisclosed location. Over the next several centuries, Talagra continues to prosper.

  • 3456 SE

    Expansion into the Ahedara

    Kingfisher Hollow and Hollowsky founded. The citizens hold their own against the nearby Serpentfolk, and even manage to drive them back from several small encampments on the jungle's edge.

The Shackled City

3656 SE 4056 SE

The Machinations of the Demodands of Carceri effect the inhabitants of Talagra.

  • 3656 SE

    Sundering of Shatterhorn
    Disaster / Destruction

    A lightning bolt of epic proportions strikes the the pinnacle of Shatterhorn, cracking the entire the entire spire from tip to base. The Serpentfolk who occupied the keep around the spire saw this event as one of their deities being displeased with their inability to drive back the advance of humanity; the Serpentfolk presence in the area dwindles to a shadow of its former glory.

  • 3736 SE

    Forging the Cagewrights
    Criminal Activity

    Dyr'ryd founds the order of the Cagewrights and begins seeding mortals with demodand taint to create the "Soulbranded". Foulspawn Tieflings become substiantially more common.

  • 3856 SE

    The Arrival of Hookface
    Life, Relocation

    The red dragon Hookface arrives in the region. His attacks on merchants and cities of the region continue intermittently for a century - no heroes are able to defeat the dragon.

  • 3956 SE

    Hookface settles down

    Hookface retreats to his lair north of Talagra with his mate, Taliraxia. The two dragons do not emerge from their lair, although periodically one of their spawn emerges to terrorize the area before being slain or moving on to other regions.

  • 3981 SE

    The Vanishing Strikes
    Plague / Epidemic

    Jzadirune is hit with the Vanishing after tainted spell weaver artifacts infect the place. The gnomes abandon the stronghold and never return.

  • 4006 SE

    Caging of Adimarchus
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Adimarchus is betrayed by Graz'zt's son Athux and is imprisoned in Skullrot

  • 4024 SE

    Record-setting Monsoons
    Geological / environmental event

    The rainiest winter in centuries results in massive flood damage to the lower reaches of Talagra. The Flood Festival is founded the next year, and for the next several years the freakishly wet winters continue before the weather finally returns to normal.

  • 4025 SE

    Cagewrights relocate

    Show spoiler
    Fotios Antonatos
    discovers the Soul Pillars. The Cagewrights relocate to the region, settling in ruined Shatterhorn until they can complete construction of the Fiery Sanctum deep under Talagra.

  • 4026 SE

    Work begins on the Tree of Shackled Souls

    The Cagewrights begin construction of the Tree of Shackled Souls and hire the Ebon Triad to aid in the construction of the soulcages.

  • 4041 SE

    New money in Talagra
    Political event

    Talagra's newest noble, a generous human named Ellaĝad Belit-Sheri, is welcomed into the city's aristocracy after he donates huge sums of money to fund the rebuilding of the Town Hall and several other ancient structures that were starting to fall apart. In light of his generosity, no one pries into the mysterious noble's background.

  • 4046 SE

    Splintershield's Crusade

    Sikdrumir Splintershield falls under the influence of Adimarchus's dreams and disappears into the Underdark on a mad crusade to cleanse it of evil

  • 4047 SE

    The Guardsmen Murders
    Criminal Activity

    A young guard named Tove murders several of her fellow guards - her motive is never discovered. She eludes capture and becomes one of Talagra's most wanted criminals, although over the years her capture grows less of a concern as she remains in hiding

  • 4049 SE

    Filth Fever Outbreak
    Plague / Epidemic

    A plague of filth fever strikes Talagra. Several hundred die before the city's clerics can get the plague under control

  • 4054 SE

    Goði of Sol vanish
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The three highest-ranking clerics of Sol accidentally discover

    Show spoiler
    Eleni Arvanitoti's
    involvement with the Cagewrights. They are murdered before they can report the discovery and disposes of their bodies with a plane shift spell.