The Embrace

The Embrace is a spiritual plane that is entirely the Essence of Vēna, The Mother. From it flows a Mother's kindness and warmth, Her strength and encouragement, the breath of life into the world. It feels like the womb and a Mother's embrace, held close to Her chest as She cradles you. It is a place of everpresent warmth, a cozniness so resplendant it soothes even the most longing of souls. As beautiful as it is however, it is an unobtainable afterlife for most. Only those true innocents of the world, the stillborns, those born with no hope for life, and those who grew only old in years, but not the spirit.
  It's an eternal playground and nursery, a land of carefree minds, and hearts unburdend with life's atrocities. A place where they only know Mother's love, her tenderness and joy. They have no need to be privy to her hurt and scorn, her moments of malice or rage against those who would harm any of her beloved children. Even the littlest of lives find solace here, their tiny hands grasping at ever joyous attendants. They have no sense of time, nor growing up, and perhaps there is a sadness there that their futures cannot still be found. There are a lucky some, touched by an affinity to the Spirit even before their birth, who visit the Embrace only once. These beings become The Väel'Nyir, receiving the chance to truly experience life.
  Those who are not touched with Spirit affinity, perhaps are the more blessed. They live in eternity in the Embrace, forever living away from any pain or suffering that may otherwise have lain in store for them. It's a bitter sweet existence, but it eases the burden of their birth mothers, to know that their children will always know, their love.
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