The Väel'Nyir

The Väel'Nyir (Va-el-Near) are the elite of The Aetherium. They come from highborn and common houses, their births sometimes observed even in Miderth, and even rarely in Èfrithel. How could they be so spread out, and yet all be deemed worthy of their posistions of authority? The Väel-Nyir are beings of any race who have been blessed with a deep natural affinity for the Spirit Attunement.   While common in the Aetherium, a Väel'Nyir's birth in Miderth occurs in a village once in a lifetime, whereas in the deep reaches of Èfrithel it may happen once in a century. While there is no traceable reason as to why a child is born a Väel'Nyir, there are of course many theories.   Some say that the children merely adopted a trait from the Firsts of each race. Like a seed from the Firsts and their vast Spirit capabilities being planted once more, amongst their progeny.   Others say that the family must have done something to honor Vēna, The Mother of All. From taking great care amidst Her creations, to paying one's dues to her children, many things could be attributed to this. Yet, even great heros are not blessed with a Väel'Nyir offspring most of the time.   Still others say that it has nothing to do with lineage or divine blessing, but through sheer luck and chance.   Scholars tend towards the idea that those of the Aetherium are simply closer to The Mother's realm, so it must be something that can be awakened with mere proximity, if the child has even a drop of Spirit Affinity at birth.   Perhaps these are all reasons? Or maybe there is no true reason, only children born without, and those born with the ability to walk between both worlds. Or perhaps, the true reason is a much more grim reality that many do not wish to face?   Whatever the truth is, the parents are well aware of their child's unique future, as when they are first cradeled to their birthgiver's chest, their affinity will cause unique features to appear. For some, wings according to their race's best evolutionary status, others will hair or horns will glow so brightly that all must shield their eyes. Still others have a more subtle change, their eyes being over taken with a constantly shifting shein, like a mist covering their sight.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Väel'Nyir do not follow typical naming conventions, as there are no family names amongst them. Rather, their first names are their rank, followed by title, followed by their chosen name and given name.   For example, the First of the Valiants is Crirthis. His full name would be First of the Valiants (Title) Elder-Son (rank) Crirthis (Chosen) Helosis (Given).   Amongst the Väel'Nyir, Title denotes authority, rank denotes maturity (not age), the Chosen name is what they decide to call themselves upon reaching the rank of Young, and given is the name their birth mothers gave them.   Often times, only very close friends are the ones who know a Väel'Nyir's given name. It is a symbol of full trust and kinship with a Väel'Nyir, and one would not use it in public out of respect.   Chosen names are chosen by a Väel'Nyir upon reacing the Young rank, when their maturity reaches a point where they no longer need a caretaker. It is a large, solemn cermony held once every 6 months to honor all those who have reached their maturity requirements. Because Väel'Nyir come from any race, their maturation times vary just as greatly as their birth circumstances. Chosen names are often spoken to enlightened Väel'Nyir by The Mother, however, this is not a requirement. They would not share if The Mother had spoken to them a name, as it is a most sacred thing to speak with her.   Väel'Nyir children grow up with using mainly their Rank and Spirit name. A Spirit name is a name given to a child as they grow and show interest in different aspects of Väel'Nyir life. So a 6 year old who was interested in Beastkeeping and Gryffons particularly would be called Progeny (mature enough to be in school, not yet able to Entertwine) Griffon-Keen. It's a mouthful, but the Väel'Nyir don't mind it. "The longer the name, the more well liked" so the saying goes.
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