The Veiled Maw

The Prison Realm of Vhorr'lesh, it is also the end destination for mortals souls who negatively effected the sacred balance of life. Those who took more lives than they saved, with malintent and hatred in their hearts, those who left grief and misery in their wakes during life. These are who end up rotting, awaiting judgement from a long insane and exiled God. They wail in their self-hatred, guilt and loathing bubbling up from the unrecognizable, agonizlingly twisted forms. Any trace of their former selves is now mangled, ripped apart and rebuilt, and creating a new horrific creature in its place. They scream out for judgement, begging for an unbiased Being to cleanse their souls by fire. But here in the Maw, there is no purification, only bitter disintrest in the dealings of mortals.   These wretched souls fear their very unsleeping existence, cowering from ever more vile beasts created by Vhorr'lesh and his unnatural expirimentations.

Localized Phenomena

At seemingly random, the sky will begin glowing with a green aura, radiating in a slow growing storm that spreads across portions of The Maw. Then, as a cosmic pressure begins to build and violent, quaking thunder cracks above, tornados of vividly rich purples and nebulous blues thrash to life. They suck in tormented souls and wretched abominations alike, making the vortex writhe with eldritch evocations.
Alternative Name(s)
The Vile Maw, The Maw
Characters in Location


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