Vhorr'lesh - The Outcast Death God

Vhorr'lesh is the twin of Vil'eya, their dual birth absolutely signifying the duality of death. Vhorr'lesh is a destroyer and twister of life, the god of agony, torment, delight in others misery, and he is one of the Outcast Gods. He's worshipped in secret by murderers and bandits, and assassins who operate outside of the assassin's guild's contracts. His followers don't expect his compassion, only that the creatures he sends to roam in the night will see them as kin, and if not, that their ends will be swift. His side of eternity is not the place you want to go, it's a place of agonizing lonliness, and constant terror. A place where your loved ones or path of escape are ever just out of your grasp. If Eternium had a hell, the cosmic horrors of his domain would be it. Eldritch beings creep in the shadows, waiting for you to stray from your path of torment. They lurk in the mind's eye, and linger in your thoughts long after you're sure they weren't ever really there to begin with.
  Appearance: Vhorr’lesh, the Death Deity, stands at the crossroads of existence, a shadowy figure with eyes that pierce the veil between realms. Their form is both ominous and compelling, a harbinger of fate. Here’s how they appear: • Void-Black Hair: Vhorr’lesh’s hair is as dark as the abyss, cascading like a waterfall of forgotten memories. Each strand whispers secrets of pain and release. • Shifting Form: Vhorr’lesh’s gender is fluid, shifting like smoke. They appear as a vengeful spirit, a remorseless executioner, or a compassionate guide. Their eyes hold the suffering of countless beings. Veilwalker’s Aura: When Vhorr’lesh moves, the fabric of reality ripples. Stars flicker in their wake, and forgotten echoes resurface. • Cloak of Shrouded Stars: Draped in a cloak woven from the fabric of dying galaxies, Vhorr’lesh moves silently. The constellations within it flicker, mapping the paths of souls.
  • Weapons of the Abyss: ○ Scourge of Torment: A whip made from twisted shadows. Its lashes leave marks on the soul, etching the weight of deeds. Vhorr’lesh wields it to unravel illusions and reveal truth. ○ Tempestbow: The bowstring hums with echoes of anguish. Its arrows are shards of fractured reality, capable of piercing even the most stubborn illusions.
  Albino Crag Scorpion Companion: ○ Name: Xalith ○ Eyes: One eye is a void, absorbing light and hope. The other glows crimson, a beacon of defiance against oblivion. Xalith scuttles alongside Vhorr’lesh, a silent witness to the cosmic drama. ○ Purpose: Xalith’s venom can heal or destroy, depending on Vhorr’lesh’s intent. It symbolizes the dual nature of death—the mercy of release and the cruelty of annihilation. • Scales of Deeds: These obsidian scales hang from Vhorr’lesh’s belt. Each scale represents a soul’s deeds, their weight determining the path beyond. Vhorr’lesh adjusts them with ruthless precision. • Phial of Infinity: A crystal vial containing the void’s breath. When uncorked, it reveals glimpses of alternate realities. Vhorr’lesh knows that every choice branches into infinity.
  Titles: • The Veilbreaker: Vhorr’lesh shatters illusions, revealing the raw essence of existence. Their gaze pierces veils and lays bare hidden truths. • Harbinger of the Abyss: They stand where worlds collide, beckoning souls toward their final reckoning. The abyss whispers their name. • Eclipse’s Whisper: When the moons align, Vhorr’lesh’s power surges. They are the eclipse that blots out both light and hope.

Divine Domains

Vhorr’lesh roams the desolate wastelands of the Veiled Maw, where the forgotten lay entombed. They listen to the echoes of lost prayers, the fading cries of civilizations, and the silence of extinguished stars. In this desolation, they weigh souls and decide their cosmic fate. This is his prison, and his lair. In a huge cavern, far from the wailing denizens, he watches, schemes, and plots with the patience of an eternal being.


• Scales of Vengance: These obsidian scales hang from Vhorr’lesh’s belt. Each scale represents a soul’s deeds, their weight determining the path beyond. Vhorr’lesh adjusts them with ruthless precision. • Phial of Infinity: A crystal vial containing the void’s breath. When uncorked, it reveals glimpses of alternate realities. Vhorr’lesh knows that every choice branches into infinity.

Tenets of Faith

1: Kill or be Killed. 2: Mercy is for the weak. 3: Only the strong survive. 4: Pain is necessary to become strong. 5: Only strength will get you what you want.


Eclipse’s Whisper: When the moons align, Vhorr’lesh’s power surges. They are the eclipse that blots out both light and hope.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vhorr'lesh believies in single divinity, that death is final and always deserved, as it is everyone's fate in the end. He has seen his own death in every infinite path he has looked through, but he desperately seeks a way to kill his sister, as it is by her hands that his death that will be brought about.   For now, he seeks dark knowledge, long forgotten. His resulting experimentations and living horrors have been left to their own devices, many of them escaping his barren prison. He also wishes to free himself, but not without a plan in mind.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Really likes murder and honey cakes. The only known thing he and his twin will both eat with gusto.


Vil'eya, Arbiter of Life's End

Twin Sister

Towards Vhorr'lesh - The Outcast Death God


Vhorr'lesh - The Outcast Death God

Twin Brother

Towards Vil'eya, Arbiter of Life's End


Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Outcast God
Current Location
Current Residence
The Cosmos's End- His lair in the Veiled Maw
He/Him They/Them
Cosmic Nebulas, Stars dying and being reborn
Vhorr’lesh’s hair is as dark as the abyss, cascading like a waterfall of forgotten memories. Each strand whispers secrets of pain and release.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Undulating shadows writhe around him like an aura, his skin made from the threads of the universe
7'3" in Humanoid Form
220lbs in Humanoid Form
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The screams, they agonize me!" - When in a bad mood and can hear the damned souls crying out for repentance.   "The keening wails of the damned are such a symphonic welcome when I return from my Wanderings." - Said often when he comes back from his Astral Wanders and re-attunes to his prison's sorroundings. There is both a hint of sarcasm, and morose acceptance in his voice.
They believe they are the only true death deity
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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