BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The world of Eternium if a peaceful one, that is, as long as you don't go into one of its many dungeons unprepared.   Sometime in the past millennium a fleet crashed into the rocks of a great continent, with 3 months of travel required to get between the northern and southern most points it's a wonder that the fleet didn't see it in time.   The survivors of the destroyed fleet made their way inland and sought shelter from the raging ocean, forming the first settlement a few miles off the coast they found the land to be plentiful and free of any civilized life, a haven for the stricken people.   Now despite being the only intelligent life on the island the large group of survivors were prone to in-fighting, so as a community they decided to split themselves into different groups based on race.   The Dwarves, looking for something similar to their old mountain homes, headed north looking for a colder climate and mountains to claim for themselves, with them went the Orc's respecting the strength and determination of the dwarves, and the gnomes, looking to work with the dwarves in great works of engineering.This became known as Empire Of The Clockwork BattleAxe   The Elves looking to be as far from the dwarves as possible, and in a slightly more wooded area, headed south to explore the vast woodlands, any issues with Elf on Elf racism forgotten due to the dire situation they were in, following them were the Dragonborn, wishing to learn more about their magical ancestry, and the halflings looking for a long and relaxing life. This became known as The Empire of the Rune Keepers   The Dragonborn found their shelter in the South Eastern corner of the world. With Mountains to the North providing natural protection and the vast Nuthra Sands to the South, The Dragonborn proclaimed this their home. The Dragonlands.   The humans, by far the smallest group to form, having no allies or enemies decided to stay exactly where they were, the established village founded in the past hundred years giving plenty of space for them to grow with minimal effort. This became known as The Empire Of Man Being free of allies and enemies the humans offered a meeting space, once every hundred years to offer trade and see how each group was doing. The continent of eternium has been war free for the past 1000 years, the dungeons that seem to appear randomly have had a large part to do with this.   Territory lines were drawn by those who completed and took over the dungeons, instead of wars to decide who owns what, the group to clear the dungeon fastest can claim the land for their nation.   The Adventurer's Guild was founded to be an authority on the dungeons, separate to any one nation they are the deciding factor on who has and who has not completed the dungeons.   You are a member of the adventurers guild and as such have access to all dungeons (along with many other benefits) and will be sent, with a team, to assess any new dungeons that crop up.   Dungeons are ranked from F to A in terms of difficulty F being the lowest, and A the highest. These dungeons are a natural phenomena and will respawn every 24 hours the resources, mobs, and treasure will also respawn, as such great cities have sprung up around the largest dungeons, and families or businesses will pay millions of gold in order to buy the land the dungeon sits on in order to harvest these dungeons.   In order to grow each dungeon must consume, depending on what they consume they will produce different things, for example if a dungeon has never consumed a gold piece, it will never produce gold pieces as a reward.