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Empire Of The Clockwork BattleAxe


Dwarven Kingdom   1000-900 years ago The Dwarven people travelled alongside the orcs to the north after the 'Last great moot' the dwarven pilgrims ventured north finding a colder mountainous region much like their old homes. The Orc tribes ventured west searching for their own suitable region and left the Dwarven Clans as allies. The Clans eventually came to the mountains which was later named The Endless Peaks and began to setup their homes. The Clans for a time were single minded in establishing a their mountain home but infighting and bickering started to show. The four largest Clans held a council to deciede the king of their kind who would govern the Clans give someone to look for direction and order. Ulfric Karazankor was made king and named the city after his clan giving birth to the first city in the Dwarven Kingdom. Ulfric Karazankor made his first decree at the end of his first hundred years which was called 'Grand-forging' which had Ulfric announce to the other three great Clans to venture outward to secure more areas and begin to build the Dwarven Kingdom. Clan Underhall, Clan Ironglaive, Clan Viggaris and Clan Vumeria agreed to the task and preparations began.   900-800 years ago The Great-forging was a huge success and several more settlements began to establish themselves. The Endless peaks and The Blue mountains had an abundance of resources and soon with trade began to re-establish with the Empire Of Man. Links with the Orc's were re-established and were very welcomed guests and allies during this time as many of the new settlements have several beast incursions and man power was always in high demand in the fledging Dwarven Kingdom. Trade boomed with the Orcs, the Dwarven people traded weapons and goods for their warriors. This gave birth to The Contest Of Valour where the Orc tribes migrate to one of the elected Dwarven Cities for a friendly gladiitoral match against the Dwarven Clans. Drinking, feasting and fighting occur during this contest and can last anywhere from a week to two weeks. 800-700 years ago The Kingdom was prospering and with its allies growing in strength. The great clans established their own cities and began to spread out gaining more ground. Areas around the Kingdom were highlighted as dangerous and altogether avoided. During this time one of the great tragedies and mysterious event occurred. Clan Ironglaive had secured their city to the south of The Blue Mountains with a established Town of Lyranda to the south. Word had spread to the capital that Clan Ironglaive along with the city of Ironglaive had been wiped out by an unknown force. Immiedietely accusations toward the Empire Of Man was made however Orc and Dwarven forces entered the ruins and never returned. Ulfric fearing that something in the ruins that powerful could destroy all his hard work banned the area. The area is now known as The FallenHalls, to this day King Ulfric has decreed that any Dwarf that can cleanse the city and re-establish its holdings would be granted the honour of having the city named after their clan and being granted a seat of power within it once it is rebuilt. In the Blue Mountains Iceflex began to run out and with the danger around the Blue Mountains increasing much of the magical items were sold to increase the economy to recruit more warriors. The Ancient forgers had passed on by this point and did not deem anyone at the time worthy of passing the knowledge about the forging of Mythril but had left challenges and clues for any smither worthy of the knowledge.   700-500 Years ago Strange reports were coming from Karazankor about their new forging room they had established in a new found natural cavern. Tools and Ores would go missing every night, guards were placed to keep watch but no one could explain the vanishing nature of the items. When the room was left it appeared to expand and started to change in its appearance day by day. King Ulfric banned entrance to this area and sent words to the other races to see if this had been seen before. During this time followers of Moradin would often sneak in believing this to be a holy site, they offered their tools, ores, prayers and holy symbols to the room. King Ulfric received no word back but deemed that the room indeed was useful with ores and high quality tools appearing now in the room daily rather than vanishing however there appeared to be floors leading down. These floors have never been explored due to the strict ruling of the King, Ulfric feared that maybe what was down there had made Clan Ironglaive fall and would not share the same fate. This 'Dungeon' was known as The Eternal Foundry. Soon Ulfric decreed a search for anymore of these strange places offering a sizeable reward. Mages were sent to research and document all knowledge of the areas. Soon vast resources began to flood from these places and soon began to moulded into vast ore deposits for the Dwarven Kingdom. Also a council meeting was held in Karazankor regarding the Orcs. It was becoming evidently clear that over the last 500 years the Orcs had become apart of the Dwarven way of life and athough they traded it was always noted that the Orc tribes would always come to the aid of the Dwarven people when asked and never asked anything in return. The first time in recorded Dwarven histroy a council finished within five hours the decision was to invite the Orcs into the fold and establish the Empire Of The Clockwork Battleaxe. The Dwarven Kingdom offered the Orcs freely given resources to establish their kingdom and invited the leaders of the Orc tribes to the Council meetings in regard to the entire of their area. Mass resources poured into the Orc Kingdom whilst they deliberated until after a meeting and festival the Empire was founded. With the Empire founded King Ulfric passed on and the next king was to be decided.   500-300 years ago Now with the new dungeons being discovered and the vast resources that could be gained from controlling these. Disputes between the Empires began, border lines were drawn and tension began. A newly formed guild had formed to explore these dungeons and had free passage in documenting and raiding the dungeons. This eased the disputes amongst the empire and allowed this neutral party into the Dwarven lands to explore and keep track of these dungeons. The newly formed council of Orc & Dwarf deliberated of the next King of the Dwarven people. Through trail of strength from the Orcs and the Dwarven elders inquiring candaites on wisdom of ruling King Halgrum Vumeria was crowned. The guild was also set to work on other tasks around the Kingdom of exploring the more dangerous areas around the Kingdom to document any information they could aquire. Although the start of King Halgrum was turblant with the mourning King Ulfric the Dwarven Kingdom thrived under his rule and utilizing the guild the armies of the Empire Of The Clockwork BattleAxe were a force to be reckoned with. King Halgrum lead a expedition into the Eternal Forge and returned stating that the Dungeon was extremely deep and did not reach the end however told tales of beautiful Dwarven Halls all dedicated to Moradin, vast ores and gems. King Halgrum toward the end of this period was shunned by his fellow Clan due to Halgrum residing in Karazankor rather than Vumeria. King Halgrum decreed that the King must always be in Karazankor out of respect of King Ulfric who created the vast Kingdom they now enjoyed. Clan Vumeria still believe that Vumeria is the now capital of the Dwarven people however this is fiercely argued.   300-100 Years ago The great dungeon appears and begins to attack all the Empires. The Clockwork Battle Axe Empire forces co-ordinate to defend key areas as the guild begin to attack the dungeon. After the great dungeon war many lives were lost, there was a great mourning across the Empire Of The Clockwork Battleaxe. After the great war the Dwarven people began to rebuild its trade network as many of its workforce had died. The guild had been wiped out and certain individuals began to attempt to rebuild it. The Dwarven Kingdom donated what they could to this cause but became isolated for a time to rebuild. At the end of this time period trade reopened and with this many different faiths began to enter into the Dwarven Kingdom. This brought new culture and even the rise to different religious groups within Dwarven Society. These years few myths began to appear most famously Archanons Strike and other   100 Years to present day- The Dwarven Kingdom has begun to heal its wounds on the previous war and some resemblance of their former strength is returning. King Halgrum is entering is older age now and discussions of a new king is at hand and many of the great clans are putting their names forward. The kingdom has known relative peace except for a strange cult known as the Crimson Crusade that disappeared as quickly as they formed. The Dwarven people are working hard to strive forward and rebuild the kingdom back into the golden years and will continue to push forward. With the guild rebuilding and several conquests still to go people excitedly whisper of the events to come whilst others talk of impending doom to fall on the Kingdom. Time will tell.


Each major city has its own military which is controlled by the Clan leaders/Clan of that city. The military consists of Dwarven and Orc Soilders however many Orc mercenaries are paid on long standing contacts in certain cities to uphold the peace.

Technological Level

Middle ages however experimental weapons and gear systems powered by various methods of beast of burden and weights are being tested.

Agriculture & Industry

Food production is low in the Dwarven Kingdom however metals and stone are in abundance. Alongside with the many forging areas weapons and armours can also be made in vast volumes to meet demands.

Trade & Transport

Bowen Oxen are used as the main transportation of people and goods. These huge beasts of burden can carry mass caravans of goods across the kingdom. Merchants mainly own the oxen and sell passage whilst poorer folk use the traditional horse and cart which are extremely cheap in the Dwarven Kingdom.


Schools within the cities are diverse teach children history, forging, reading and writing aswell as fighting from a young age. Into teenage years children can go into a focus of a trade (be that any) this will be the focus of their schooling however history will always be in their schooling to ensure a deep understanding of their clan and other clans so history is never forgotten. Within the villages children are raised in the craft of their parents and normally take over the buisnesses. If villagers can afford the accommodation within the cities then normally children are sent to the cities for their education. It is normal to see generations of farmers, herders ect in villagers making them extremely skilled in their craft
Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum Coins.
Major Exports
Ingots of various metals, weapons, Armour
Major Imports
Food, Livestock, Furs, Wine
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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