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Arvoreen (arr-voh-reen)

The Defender

From time to time, halflings must fight to defend their friends or their village. In those moments, the tales of Arvoreen come to the fore in every halfling's memory. Every youth hears over and over again the stories of the hero's bravery and cunning, his clever tactics in battle, and his ability to use speed and smallness to defeat a much larger foe.   The elders know that the world outside is dangerous and that their kin must understand how to deal with those dangers. Stories about Arvoreen are told in such a way that youngsters are inspired to act out his epic battles. In this way, the halflings get practical experience in executing measures that are designed to help the halflings defeat kobolds and goblin raiders, or even take down an ogre. When the time comes to put those tactics to use in earnest, everyone will be ready.   Cooperation is a fundamental principle in how halflings fend off their enemies.    Of the Halfling Pantheon, Arvoreen is most closely aligned with Yondalla; Cyrrollalee and Urogalan. He disapproves of the more capricious members such as Brandobaris.   Evil deities, especially the likes of Cyric, incite Arvoreen's wrath.

Divine Domains



Aegisheart - shortsword

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crossed short swords

Tenets of Faith

Every community practices its own version of Arvoreen's favoured tactics:
  • Scatterstrike: The halflings run in every direction as if in a panic, but then they regroup and circle back to attack with a concentrated effort.
  • Turtle Shell: Halflings cluster together and cover each other with shields, washtubs, wheelbarrows, coffer lids, or anything else that can deflect a blow.
  • Troll Knocker: A few halflings act as bait to lure a troll or other large creature into a clearing where the rest of the group can hurl stones at it from concealment to confuse the monster, persuading it to seek other prey.
  • Swarming Stickwhackers: Halflings rush an intruder in waves, swatting the enemy with sticks on all sides.
  • Fiddle and Crack: A halfling fiddler lures the monster into a trap, usually a net or a pit, followed by several burly halflings wielding large sticks and hitting the monster from a safe vantage.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Vigilance against attack protects the community. Prepare an active defence, drill continuously, and leave nothing to chance. Put down danger before allowing it a chance to rear its head. Seek out allies, no matter how unorthodox. Stealing from other halflings or allies is never acceptable, but thieving is not dishonourable when employed against enemies to better the odds in later combat.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

  In his Avatar form, Arvoreen appears as a handsome, young, muscular Halfling dressed in light clothing and chainmail. He has dark tousles of hair, tanned skin and bright hazel eyes.
Divine Classification
God of Yondalla's Children
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Defender, The Wary Sword


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