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Clan Ashenshield

One of the Great Clans of The Dragonlands, Clan Ashenshield stands as a symbol of perseverance, honour, and dedication, with deep ties to both the military and religious fabric of the Dragonlands. Their legendary history as defenders, combined with their strong political influence, makes them a significant power in the region.   Known to call Alonharl their home, Clan Ashenshield are known for creating talented Blacksmiths and War-Time leaders.   The current head of the Clan is Torian Ashenshield


Clan Ashenshield prides itself on honour, resilience, and loyalty. They have a militaristic yet deeply spiritual culture, drawing from both Bahamut’s guidance in battle and Moradin’s craftsmanship in forging both weapons and social bonds. The clan emphasises the value of endurance, not only in battle but also in the trials of life, teaching their young to be emotionally and mentally strong. Many members of the clan become leaders in both military and religious circles, and their customs focus on discipline, communal efforts, and the maintenance of strong defences — both physical and moral.   Clan members believe in forging personal integrity, viewing themselves as protectors of the Dragonborn and the laws of the land. Rituals of flame and stone are conducted regularly to honour the gods, reinforcing their ties to the natural and divine elements. Every member of the clan undergoes rites of endurance, meant to push their physical and mental limits, earning their place in the clan by proving their ability to withstand hardship.

Public Agenda

Clan Ashenshield seeks to maintain their position as protectors and defenders of the Dragonlands. They focus on fortifying defences, both through political influence and physical infrastructure, ensuring the safety of their territories and citizens. They openly support unity between noble houses, pushing for alliances that strengthen the region militarily. Their public stance is that of a clan dedicated to safeguarding the Dragonborn against external threats and enforcing internal stability, promoting a culture of respect for tradition and lawful conduct.


  • Ashenforge Armory: A renowned armory where the finest Dragonborn weapons and armour are forged, blending tradition and innovation. It's said that armour crafted here can withstand fire, ice, and even magic.
  • Forges and Mines: Clan Ashenshield controls a number of profitable mines within the Northern Mountains, providing them with wealth in precious metals and stone, and creating a monopoly on high-quality ores in certain regions.
  • Military Training Grounds: The clan has one of the most respected training academies for warriors in Rokthorl, known for its harsh regimen and its ability to produce top-tier soldiers and generals.
  • Political Influence: Ashenshield holds seats in local councils across several cities, and their influence is well-felt in both Djerad and Alonharl.


    It is said that Clan Ashenshield was founded many centuries ago during the first waves of Dragonborn expansion into the Northern Mountains. Originally a mining family, they rose to prominence during a series of wars known as the Stonebreaker Uprisings, where they demonstrated their mastery of defensive tactics and fortifications. It was during this time that their warriors famously defended the Ashen Keep, an unbreachable fortress, against an overwhelming force. Their ability to endure long sieges and emerge victorious earned them their name — "Ashenshield."   Over time, the clan moved from purely military prowess to a more political role, securing key alliances with other noble houses and the leadership of the Dragonlands. They used their wealth from mining and metalworking to fund defences across the Dragonlands, earning the favour of the ruling houses and establishing a reputation for honourable leadership and martial discipline.   Today, Clan Ashenshield continues to serve as defenders of the northern reaches, both politically and militarily, holding a reputation as stalwart protectors.

    By Stone and Flame, We Endure.

    Geopolitical, Clan
    Family Leader
    Ashen Keep: The legendary fortress that has never fallen in battle. It stands in the heart of the Northern Mountains and serves as both a military stronghold and a symbol of the clan’s unyielding nature. The Keep has been modernised as a Mining Headquarters but retains many of its ancient defensive systems.   The Great Forge of Moradin: A sacred forge in Rokthorl, believed to be blessed by the God of Craft himself. Here, Clan Ashenshield forges not only weapons but symbols of faith. Many prominent generals and clerics from across the Dragonlands seek out these weapons, believing them to be imbued with divine favour.   The Ember Pass Mines: Located in the foothills of the Northern Mountains, these mines are rich in rare ores and gems, providing the clan with immense wealth. This area is heavily guarded, both from external threats and the occasional subterranean danger.
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