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Erevan Ilesere (AIR-eh-van ILL-eh-seer)

The Trickster

The Elven God of mischief and rogues, with a plethora of abilities to weave a web of trickery at his disposal he is nevertheless an unpredictable; flighty and fun-loving god. While he has the power to do so much more, his preference is playing pranks above all else.   Despite his fickle and changing nature, he is ferociously loyal to the Seldarine and their cause, and is protective over the Sylvan races and Elves.   He is known to have no patience or respect for those who solely rely upon his help to solve all their problems, instead favouring those who are capable of relying upon themselves, and those who are seen as underdogs.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Asymmetrical eight-armed star

Tenets of Faith

Erevan's followers are an unorganized group of rogues and tricksters, his priests has commitments which are entirely fluid and voluntary.   Novices of his church are known as the Gullible, while fully-fledged priests are known as Quicksilvers, and specialty priests are called Mischiefmakers. Though, all clerics of Erevan are expected to regularly change their titles or make up entirely new ones.   Priests of Erevan, who are usually Moon Elves, Wild Elves or Half-Elves, have few duties other than maintaining a wild and unpredictable lifestyle, though they are always willing to teach and train the skills required for trickster rogues.   They tend to delight in breaking rules and upsetting those in power.


The majority of his holy days are celebrated on eclipses, but his faithful sacrifice stolen treasure to him whenever they feel appropriate.   In particular, the Midnight Gambol is hosted by followers of Erevan once a month under the light of a full moon. While the location of the Gambol changes each time, and is kept secret, it is always in a Sylvan glade.   The precise location of the event is something the followers or Erevan pass on through word of mouth leading up to the event, but anyone, faithful or otherwise, who manages to learn of the event using their own wits and intelligence are welcome to join the festivities.   Pixies, Sprites and other tricksters of the Seelie Court also participate in the celebrations, all of which include dancing; storytelling; drinking wine; playing pranks and sacrificing objects of immense beauty.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maintain mischief through action and pranks, but always be willing to guide and teach those who seek to learn the art of rogues and trickery.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the God:

Erevan is renown as a Shapechanger, and has numerous guises. In his avatar form, Erevan often chooses to appear either as an Elf, or as a type of Fey (usually a pixie or a sprite), of wildly different appearances and sizes. Regardless of what form he takes Erevan always wears green somewhere on his body as a symbol for his love for the forests where Fey and Elves live.
Divine Classification
God of the Seldarine
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Trickster, The Chameleon, The Green Changeling, The Evershifting, Shapechanger, The Fey Jester, The Jack of the Seelie Court


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