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The most prominent settlement in the Shadowfell is Gloomwrought, where trade in secrets and information is their most valuable commodity. Gloomwrought is one of the few cities in the Shadowfell which exists in the shadow of Eternium and resides in the same geographical position as Havermere. Here, each of the races has thrived together, united by one common cause, the exile of their ancestors. Almost 950 years ago, and shortly after what is known as ‘the last great moot’ there was an uprising of a small group remembered only as ‘The Covenant’. Their goal was to stop the impending exodus of the races to what are now their homelands. They believed that the only way to survive was to stay together and they would do anything to make that happen so were taking extreme precautions to keep the races united. While their intentions were noble, their actions were not. Outspoken and racist figures from many of the races were assassinated, carts and materials were destroyed, roads damaged. All to try and change the course of history, but they were fighting the inevitable. Eventually the other races parted from Camelot leaving the humans and the small mixed-race group known as The Covenant behind.   They went into hiding but shortly after the exodus, the leaders of The Covenant were uncovered by the local guards in Camelot and a meeting was called to decide their fate. The Covenant ‘s leaders known as ‘The Pent’ consisted of five members, one human, one elf, one dwarf, one dragonborn and one orc. They were given a choice, they could either be exiled from the land entirely, to leave by ship in the hope of finding a new home, or to be sent into the Shadowfell. They chose the latter option, not expecting that dozens of citizens who had chosen to stay behind from a mix of all the races would choose to take exile with them. After being marched around the howling woods for two days, one of the rangers finally found a place where the weave separating the demiplanes was weak enough to pass through. One after the other, the sixty or so members of The Covenant vanished through the shadow crossing and into the darkness.   Today, the Pent is still a group of five, but now it loosely rules over the populace of the Shadowfell as a council. While they have little or no impact on the daily running of the few towns and villages that have survived here, they are responsible for creating laws, deciding punishment for serious crimes, and for commanding the joint army these settlements share to keep the darkness at bay. Each year one of the seats becomes available and the sitting council member must campaign to retain their seat. When applying for a seat, no more than one member of the same race can sit on the council, meaning that often candidates for an open position are unable to apply until their race is no longer represented, or is up for re-election. Anyone who calls the Shadowfell their home is entitled to vote as well as being entitled to protection from the Shadowfell’s other inhabitants.


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