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Goblins in Eternium can be found in a variety of fields. Well suited to both skilled and unskilled labour, many Goblins can be found in the industries of the mass manufacturing of goods i.e., ale, textiles, pottery, farming They can also be found behind the scenes of various service industries, performing those repetitive roles which, though simple, are critical to keeping the wider operation moving like clockwork i.e., cleaning, catering, laundry.   Goblins are hard workers, dedicating themselves to the task at hand and giving it their full attention and skill. The quality of a Goblins work is a reflection on the Goblin themselves and the rest of their clan [that work can be anything from embroidery to dungeon minion].   Goblin clans can generally be found working and living together in the same occupation, with the skill sets being passed down through the generations.   Most Goblin businesses are not run entirely by Goblins. There is normally a small clan of Hobgoblins who act as upper management either for the individual business of for several sites across the orc lands. This is especially the case in larger orc settlements however, in smaller settlements it is more likely to find solely Goblin run businesses.   Clan leaders can be male or female. Goblin society is very hierarchical with a distinct caste-like system. Because of this, Goblins from Clans that work in areas such as agriculture and farming would not mix with those who work in textiles. The more specialised and skilled the craft the higher the clans status I.e., brewing ales is a higher social job than farming, however brewing is a lower social job than textiles and pottery   The hierarchical system means that younger Goblins would refer and be subservient to their elders. Elders hierarchy is based on their skill set within the clan I.e., in the case of textiles an embroidery Goblin would be of a higher status then a weaver.   Goblins marry either within their own clan, between clans of a similar social standing or, in the case of mostly Goblin females, there is the possibility of marrying up into a higher clan [however, this is rare due to the different skill sets that the higher caste would possess/require]. Goblins that marry outside their castes risk exile from both clans. And most Goblins who pursue marriage outside of the tradition clan options available will leave the area and travel in search of a new clan to join.   Smaller settlements in the orc lands may have small businesses run by a handful of Goblins. These businesses are mostly run by Goblins who have left their original clan for marrying outside the caste system   The few Goblins who live in the far North of the orc lands are more similar to their old-world counterparts. Living underground in expansive mines and keeping other lesser/weaker races as slaves. They fear and detest orcs, clinging to the war of the old world. They are the main reason few will travel to the far North East of the continent.   Businesses which would be run by Goblin clans:
  • Brewery
  • Pottery/ceramics making
  • Textiles: from fabric weaving, clothing design, manufacture and detailed embroidery
  • Catering: sous-chefs, prep-chefs, dish-washing, waitstaff [ rarely chefs, though this may occur in smaller settlements]
  • Cleaning: laundry, housekeeping, street cleaning
  • Other: street maintenance, decorating, minor building work i.e., tiling, gardening

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblins take their Clan Name as a surname. This Clan Name is derived from their clan's predominant skill.
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