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Kiaransalee (KEE-uh-RAN-sa-lee)

The Revenancer

The Drow god of vengeance and undeath, called the Revenancer, is portrayed in some legends as a fierce female clad in silver and translucent veils, and in others as a banshee. In either version, her hands bear many glittering silver rings, and this image is recognized as her symbol.   Drow see Kiaransalee as the patron of vengeance because she is said to have died and returned from death to get her revenge, bringing an army of the dead back with her. Various communities of her worshipers have differing ideas about who killed her and why, but typically the murderer is portrayed as having the features of some kind of creature the Drow have great hatred for. Followers of Kiaransalee don't trouble themselves greatly over these details, because all the stories could be true: the Revenancer is believed to have returned from death over and over again.   Vengeance is the aspect of Kiaransalee that appeals to most Drow, because it becomes a necessity in every ambitious Drow's life-usually more than once. The state of undeath is of less concern to them, but those who practice necromancy turn to Kiaransalee for guidance and for protection from undead.   Some of her most fervent followers seek out the secret of attaining undeath for themselves. Kiaransalee favours them by bringing them back as undead, but unlike other gods of similar sort, Kiaransalee doesn't offer the undeath of lichdom but a lowly existence as a banshee, a revenant, or a Wight.   Drow believe that Kiaransalee was driven mad by returning from death as a god so many times, but her followers aren't discouraged by this assessment. Despite her madness, her actions are guided by a deep and devious cunning-a trait that Drow attach more importance to than they do to sanity.

Divine Domains

Arcana, Death


Coldheart, a dagger which perpetually drips acid   Mantle of Nightmares, a cloak of bones which causes magical fear in all who gaze upon its horrors

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Drow hand wearing many silver rings

Tenets of Faith

Kiaransalee's clergy is comprised of orderly regimented cells, but the faith lacks in overall organization. The Revenancer's clerics are mostly found in small Drow communities or in special enclaves, and act constantly in secret.   Her clerics are agents of vengeance who plot against anyone who has ever slighted the faith. They regularly organise slaying missions to acquire corpses for animation, and are very active in persecuting slaves.   Higher-ranking priestesses are called Yathrinshee. Many clerics are also Necromancers.   Other worshipers of Kiaransalee are the Crones, female Drow priestesses dressed in loose black robes and sporting at least one silver ring in each hand. Some of them are known to have smeared their skin with a mix of ash and fat, and are all capable clerics and necromancers.


The single annual holy day of the faith is called the Graverending and is celebrated each Midwinter Eve.   The Graverending is an individual ritual, where each cleric animates as many undead as she can handle. These undead are known as the Vengeance Hunters and they are consumed only with a desire for revenge against those that ended their lives.   They hunt down this killer unerringly within 24 hours. When a Vengeance Hunter is destroyed it does not rise again. These undead return to their graves after their 24 hours or after their vengeance had been executed, if possible.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Death comes to all and cruel vengeance will be exacted on those who waste their lives on the petty concerns of this existence. True power comes only from the unquestioning servitude of the once-dead, mastery over death, and the eventual earned stature of one of the ever-living in death. Hunt, slay and animate those who scorn the Revenancer's power, and answer any slight a thousandfold, so that all may know the coming power of Kiaransalee.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the Goddess:

Kiaransalee manifests as a sinuous female Drow with deep lavender coloured skin, wearing silver jewellery and dark leather armours often adorned with silver replicas of dragon scales. In particular she can be seen with numerous elegant silver rings on her fingers.   Her feathered white hair hangs just beyond her shoulders, and is kept back off her face by a barbed tiara of jagged silver metal. Her crimson eyes darken during moments of bloodlust.
Divine Classification
Goddess of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady of the Dead, The Revenancer, The Vengeful Banshee, The Pitiless Dowager


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