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Liiros Wetlands

Situated in the South Central coast of The Empire of the Runekeepers, the Liiros Wetlands is a sparsely inhabited land. This is due to the fact it is an almost primordial wilderness where nature is left unchecked and allowed to spread and consume most static settlements.


The geography of the Liiros Wetlands is inhospitable by the standards of most of the major races. Considered to be the epitome of the 'back end of nowhere', few people live there by choice. Due to this, it's ecosystem has flourished and been influenced very little by the passage of time. According to those who have ventured into the wetlands and come back unscathed, it is an almost primordial wilderness where nature is left unchecked and allowed to spread and consumed most static settlements. With few mountains or places of high elevation, the land seeps down through lowlands and valleys till it reaches the sea. This causes much of these lands to range through swamps and marshes all the way to bayous and river deltas. The hot and humid environment is caused by natural gasses and thermal pockets dotted throughout the lands which then mixes with the cold air currents from the southern coast. This causes everything from monstrous tropical storms to an almost permanent layer of fog to hang over the lowest areas of the jungles and thick forested areas. The coastline ranges primarily through vibrant deltas and ragged cliff faces. The majority of permanent settlements can be found along these areas as there is little to no threat of the plant and wildlife encroaching on the desolate coast. This unfortunately does mean that the coastline is one of the least hospitable areas as it is so wide open and offers little shelter against the elements.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna local to the Liiros Wetlands is as varied and as dangerous as it gets. Ranging from poisonous plants that liquefy flesh down to the bone all the way to stinging insects that cause violent and disturbing hallucinations, to name a few. Creatures that call this place home have had to evolve in one of the most dangerous places on the continent, where one wrong move can result in injury or death. Very few creatures are without the ability to defend themselves to a dangerous degree and even fewer will take kindly to being hassled by any wandering adventurer on a field trip. Few of the sentient races have ventured into the wetlands and even fewer have stayed there for any significant period of time. Most of them tried to set up permanent settlements but were driven off by the sheer hostility and ferocity of the local flora and fauna. Native creatures there have been observed to grow larger and stronger than many of their kind elsewhere, leading to more than a few theories on the environment having some sort of impact on the grow and development. Snakes large enough to swallow a horse and rider whole, insects that would easily rival cats and dogs, fish as large as a full grown Orc and even some rare species of bird that could easily snatch up a man in full plate armour and fly off with him. Dangerous does not begin to describe this area of the world. Some even whisper of much larger creatures, not seen anywhere else on the continent. Giant lizards the size of house, colossal moving hills of vines and refuse, even trees that uproot themselves and move with the sun.
Alternative Name(s)
The Scaled Swamp
Wetland / Swamp


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