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Basic Information


The average Lizardfolk, be it male or female, tends to be roughly 6 feet in height and of muscular build. Large hands, feet and jaws are distinct among many but can vary depending certain genetic markers. Thick hide and dense bone structure protects their internal organs, all of which is surrounded by large bundles of musculature that aids to their noticeable strength and toughness. Large lungs aid in their primarily aquatic lifestyle, the majority of their race being able to stay submerged for almost 3 times that of a vast majority of other races. Their huge tails and streamlined profile act as a colossal advantage while submerged, giving them a faster than average swim rate than any other race, bar those commonly found in oceanic environments. While unarmed, the Lizardfolk are far from harmless, their considerable strength and natural weapons in the form of powerful jaws means that they can easily rip and tear their way through most challenges if underestimated. Many who have taken an unarmed Lizardman as an easy mark just because he hasn't got a knife at his belt will learn quickly and not try again for fear of losing the other hand.

Ecology and Habitats

The geography of the Liiros Wetlands is inhospitable by the standards of most of the major races. Considered to be the epitome of the 'back end of nowhere', few people live there by choice. Due to this, it's ecosystem has flourished and been influenced very little by the passage of time. According to those who have ventured into the wetlands and come back unscathed, it is an almost primordial wilderness where nature is left unchecked and allowed to spread and consumed most static settlements. With few mountains or places of high elevation, the land seeps down through lowlands and valleys till it reaches the sea. This causes much of these lands to range through swamps and marshes all the way to bayous and river deltas. The hot and humid environment is caused by natural gasses and thermal pockets dotted throughout the lands which then mixes with the cold air currents from the southern coast. This causes everything from monstrous tropical storms to an almost permanent layer of fog to hang over the lowest areas of the jungles and thick forested areas. The coastline ranges primarily through vibrant deltas and ragged cliff faces. The majority of permanent settlements can be found along these areas as there is little to no threat of the plant and wildlife encroaching on the desolate coast. This unfortunately does mean that the coastline is one of the least hospitable areas as it is so wide open and offers little shelter against the elements.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The diet of Lizardfolk consists almost primarily of great varieties of meat. That being said, they will eat whatever they are given if they are hungry, it seems that taste plays little part in if they will find it appealing or not. It would appear that their preference for meat is due to the abundance of it in the native lands, this still doesn't stop them from being able to eat varies fruits and vegetables they collect through trade, bartering and raids.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sight and smell are higher than average compared to other races but show no significant advantage when compared. They do possess a secondary eyelid, like most reptilian species and races, to protect their eyes while submerged.

Civilization and Culture


The Lizardfolk race is one of the oldest races found in Eternium, being one of the few races native to the lands long before the other races made it their home. Found primarily in wet or damp environments, these reptilian humanoids are known for their tenacity, hardiness and what some consider to be ‘monstrous’ nature. Their race is utilitarian to the bone, never leaving or wasting anything, be it food, water or even the bodies of the dead. It is because of this that they earned their reputation for being savages of the highest caliber though this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Lizardfolk may seem like savages to those of different societies and cultures but they have advanced significantly further than many other races in the arts of medicinal healing, agriculture and craftsmanship. The Lizardfolk of Eternium are hardy race, known to find shelter and make camp in places where many other races wouldn’t even if pushed. This is theorised to be why most of Eternium are not aware of the Lizardfolk’s existence let alone know of their long history and complex societal structure.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Due to their secluded and insular nature, the Lizardfolk race as a whole has little experience with races further than a few days travel beyond their own lands. Blue scales and Green Scales are the most sociable of the major scale colours as they have developed a crude barter system with the outlying towns and villages, some rare individuals even choosing to travel far and wide to explore, what they refer to as ‘The Old World’. Overall, most races that are aware of their existence have a mediocre relationship with the Lizardfolk as a whole, minor clans and tribes may vary in the way they choose to conduct themselves when around outsiders. The only races that are worthy of note are Dragonborn, Kobolds, Grung and the Slaadi.   The relationship between Dragonborn and Lizardfolk is the most complex relationship they have. Not as normal or cordial as that between Humans and Elves, for example. Lizardfolk tend to see Dragonborn in one of two ways, firstly as the descendants of dragons and therefore akin to gods or higher beings to them. Or secondly, as tyrannical and twisted versions of themselves, soaked in magic and left to wander the lands, causing havoc wherever they go. Both of these mindsets seem to be ingrained in their culture and history, hinting at a long lost history between their two races, possibly stretching back to the time of colonization.   The Kobold race has never officially met the Lizardfolk race in any notable manner, only stray adventures have ever crossed their paths to meet. This is primarily due to the distance between the two races' respective territories. This is seen as a boon to many as Lizardfolk seem to have a strange reaction upon meeting a Kobold. Due to their nature, Lizardfolk have not evolved alongside any other scaled races of their type, Kobolds just seem like smaller versions of themselves, at least to their alien minds. This has been detrimental as a Kobold who is a member of an adventuring party simply passing through the outskirts of Lizardfolk lands might find himself being whisked away at night or worse, his party set upon as they are seen as kidnappers and thieves attempting to scurry away with a youngling from one of the clan’s broods. Lizardfolk have been documented as acting extremely protective around Kobolds, treating them as their own young. This is partly due to their own nature but also the way in which Lizardfolk breed and multiply. This will be expanded upon later.   Grung are one of two races to which the Lizardfolk as a whole, have a unified mindset over. Grung and Lizardfolk have an age old hatred, a feud going back as far as anyone has been able to remember, certainly as far back as before the colonization of Eternium, back to when a majority of the western continent was ruled over by the Lizardfolk. Known as ‘The Time of Empires’ in both their languages, it is theorised that each controlled vast swathes of land and conducted wars against rival empires across all Eternium. Ancient ruins and great tombs have been discovered in secluded areas of the world suggesting both races have had uncounted wars and crumbled entire empires to the point where they each regressed to a savage nature and pushed into the wetlands and jungles upon the arrival of the other races.   The Slaad are the second races to which the Lizardfolk hold a special kind of hatred. Much like the Grung, the Slaad have been fighting the Lizardfolk longer than recorded history. The three races have been fighting and dying for uncounted generations, each desperately trying to crush the other. Lizardfolk have size and strength, the Grung have numbers and their natural affinity for poisons, the Slaad however are far more insidious. Slowly replacing members of a clan or tribe and using them to further their own goals, the Slaadi seem to be the natural enemy of both Lizardfolk and the Grung. Both races will attack any Slaadi on sight, fearing what they are capable of and what they plan of doing. When it comes to suspicions of infection is where the races differ. Grung will imprison and keep the suspected individual under close observation till either the creature dies of exposure or turns. Lizardfolk on the other hand will bring the suspected creature to their nearest healer to examine, if the healer finds even the slightest hint and even a possible Slaadi ‘corruption’ the creature is immediately set upon and killed. It is noted that their bodies are burned by the Lizardfolk, something considered very strange as Lizardfolk will strip a body of anything that would be considered of value, leaving the remaining gore and gristle to rot be reclaimed by the wetlands.   Lizardfolk are secular by nature, dividing themselves down to Scale colours, Tribes and then Clan. If one doesn’t fit into any of these three categories then they are seen as an outsider and will be ignored or shunned by the wider community. Clans are small family sized units numbering in groups of roughly 20 or more. Extremely close knit and loyal to one another, a clan is the primary source of all Lizardfolk culture. Tribes are groups of Clans that band together for any number of reasons. Perhaps inter-breeding has led to a shared bloodline or due to recent attacks from outsiders a group of clans band together for safety. Tribes can number anywhere between 30 or 40 individuals all the way up to the hundreds or possibly thousands depending on the amount of area the tribe has to expand into. Scale colour is the final point that divides many Lizardfolk. The different scale colours have been known to mix on occasion creating subtypes and variations on the typical colourations. Blue scales vary in shade all the way to a deep navy up to a bright arctic blue. Greens vary from a deep emerald to blend in with the mossy undergrowth to a bright lime to blend in with the bright canopy above. Brown scales can be seen displaying rich oranges and vibrant reds to blend in with the thick mud and fertile soil of their typical territory.
Unknown, Native Species
The average lifespan of the Lizardfolk is roughly 60 years depending on general health and upbringing. Some have been observed displaying great age, bordering on 3 to 4 times the norm.
Average Height
Your average Lizardfolk ranges between 6 to 7 feet tall though their hunched stature tends to make them look shorter than they are.
Average Weight
Due to their immense muscle mass, most Lizardfolk don't weigh any less than 70kg while the larger more dominant members of the race can reach weights of up to 120kg of muscle and bone.
Average Length
From snout to tail tip, your average Lizardfolk can reach up to 8 or 9 feet in length.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blue scales as they are known in Lizardfolk society are one of the least common types of this reptilian folk. Mostly found along the coastline and smaller islands of the Lizardfolk controlled areas. Known as prolific seafarers and the most outgoing of the scale colours, they will often do business with passing ships and local fishing towns. Often hired on as capable deckhands to fend off pirates or raiders, they have earned a reputation among the sailors and wayfarers as a prize to have on one's crew.   Brown scales are the most numerous of the Lizardfolk due to their homelands being situated at the heart of Lizardfolk territory, in the expansive marshes and wetlands. Because of their territory being the most hospitable, they have ample space to breed and multiply. Unfortunately, their large population has led to resources being scarce and caused them to act primarily as raiders against most other clans and tribes and spread the furthest across the Lizardfolk territory.   Though they aren’t the most numerous, Green scales are by far one of the most common. Calling the thick jungles and forests home, they have been pushed to the edges of Lizardfolk territory. Seen hunting along the edges of the dark forests by Elven rangers and scouts, they are known to trade with some of the most secluded villages whilst also patrolling the borders for supposed threats and intruders.   The rarest of the officially recognised scale colours, Black scales are also considered the most dangerous of the scaled colours. Found within the deep and flooded cave systems that honeycomb much of the Lizardfolk territory. Very little is about this subtype as they have yet to be contacted by the outside world, at least to anyone’s knowledge.   Technically not recognised as their own separate scale colour, White scales can be found among most of the other scale colours. Very similar to albinism, they appear naturally among a majority of the other Lizardfolk types. Most clans and tribes tend to either ostracize or abandon those who show these traits. Many White scales that survived the tumultuous time that is Lizardfolk childhood, band together and form their own minor clans and tribes that prefer seclusion over everything.


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