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Queen of Spiders

The Queen of Spiders is renowned as the most influential goddess of the Drow within the pantheon of the Dark Seldarine. A goddess of cold cruelty not out of place for her dominion within the endless Abyss, she revels in betrayal and bloodshed, and enjoys few things more than toying with those around her, from her minions to her victims.   Thriving on things such as torture, destruction and death, whether personally performing it or causing it from afar, her every interaction is ultimately done with malice and ill will seething from her every move.   She is known to be a very demanding mistress, and what she demands more than anything are sacrifices of treasure and blood. Time and time again, the screams of sacrificial victims echo through Lolth's lightless temples as they fall to the knives of her priestesses. Her altars are piled with skulls picked clean of flesh by the giant spiders that lurk in the web draped stalactites overhead.   In return for victims and adoration, Lolth grants signs of her favour, such as great success during a slave raid on the surface, the matron of a rival house being struck down by an inexplicable illness, or an heiress to the house being born under propitious omens.

Divine Domains

Trickery, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A spider

Tenets of Faith

A deity of chaos, the few and far between tenets of her faith are a reflection of this. The key belief her followers adhere to is the culling of the weak and subservience to the Spider Queen's desires.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Fear is as strong as steel, while love and respect are soft and useless. Convert or destroy nonbeliever drow. Weed out the weak and the rebellious. Destroy impugners of the faith. Sacrifice males, slaves, and those of other races who ignore the commands of Lolth or her clerics. Raise children to praise and fear Lolth; each family should produce at least one cleric to serve her. Questioning Lolth's motives or wisdom is a sin, as is aiding nondrow against the drow, or ignoring Lolth's commands for the sake of a lover. Revere arachnids of all kinds; those who kill or mistreat a spider must die.

Physical Description

Body Features

Avatar of the Goddess:

Lolth usually appears in one of two forms: a Drow or an arachnid.   In her Drow form, the Spider Queen appears as an exquisitely beautiful female Dark Elf, sometimes covered in clinging spiders. In this form her skin is a deep shade of purple with paler areas across her nose, ears and fingers. Her eyes are blood red, glimmering like rubies and her hair is a waist length wave of pure white.   In her arachnid form, she takes the shape of a giant black widow spider with the upper body of a female Drow, and the lower body of a spider with eight legs.
Divine Classification
Goddess of the Dark Seldarine
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of Spiders, Demon Queen of Spiders, Queen of the Demonweb Pits, Dark Mother, The Lady of Shadows, The Lady of Chaos, Weaver of Destiny, Weaver of Webs, The Weaver


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