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Renwick Drake-Francis

Renwick Drake-Francis is the Warlock of the Twelve, and oversees the Guild archives. Despite his intimidating appearance, this Copper Dragonborn has a playful and inquisitive mind. He speaks regularly in riddles and idioms, much to the chagrin of some of his more academically-minded colleagues who often find him difficult to work with. For this reason, Renwick deputises much of the day-to-day operation of the Archives to his subordinates, and sequesters himself away in a pocket dimension of his own creation when his presence is not directly required at the Guild.   Renwick is a loyal devotee of an enigmatic Great Old One from beyond the stars. Little is known about this cosmic force (and Renwick is rarely in the mood to elaborate), but it is generally believed the entity's motivations are benign...or at least are focused elsewhere. Long ago, Renwick offered his voice to this mysterious patron as the ultimate sign of commitment to their pact, and now communicates exclusively through telepathy. The only time his physical voice is ever heard is when he is speaking the words of power required by his spellcasting.   Renwick has something of a professional rivalry with Akkul Tatum, and the two can often be found bickering over their differing interpretations of magical theory, or sniping at each other via thinly-veiled missives. He would however never turn down an opportunity to share a cup of the Wizard's favourite tea over a friendly game of Dragonchess.   Though Renwick is rarely found within the Guild itself, he takes his duties as Archivist very seriously, and can always be contacted from the front desk of the Council Chambers. He communicates with the clerks via magical means, and is usually happy to open a portal to his personal domain for anyone who has need of his knowledge.

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