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The Blue Mountains

The Blue Mountains are located in the North of the Dwarven Kingdom. These Mountains was the Dwarven peoples second expansion after the great divide. These mountains are small in comparison to The Endless peaks however its name hails from the incredibly rare silver metal that can be found there, Ice Flex. When the Dwarven people first began to carve out Vumeria inside the mountain many scouts were sent to the mountain to scout and take notes on the environment. The Blue Mountains is a extremely cold environment and is subjected to many storms some natural others due to magical means. Upon scouting areas of the mountains vast silver deposits could be spotted with a strange blue specks littering the ore like little blue snowflakes trapped in the silver itself. This material was mined and taken back to Vumeria to research. Years of researching this strange Anomaly within the silver came to a dead end. More scouts were sent further and further up and around the mountains to discover the source of the blue glittered silver, most did not return however a few groups returned with answers of the mysterious metal. The Blue mountain is home to several White Dragons who normally hunt around the frozen tundra for sport and for food. When a white dragon exhales on the silver it imbues it with magical essence thus creating Ice-flex silver. With this information Ice-Flex is incredibly rare and extremely hard to find as it has been mined. After this the mountain was named The Blue Mountain as the white snow peaks contain the small specks of blue from the ice-flex.     Tales and rumours of various beasts hail from the people of Vumeria however one has some substaince to the story. One of the returning scout parties appeared in shock and none spoke of what they had seen on the mountain. After many years one Dwarf spoke of what he had seen. A huge White Dragon the likes he had never seen before or read about. They had stumbled on its home somewhere far up the mountain, the ground shook as the huge beast left its home. Fearing their team had been found they hid in the snow however they were not its quarry. Fifteen Ice Giants approached its home and challenged the Dragon. The Dwarfs watched as this Dragon killed all of them bar one. The Dwarf remembered its words as it chuckled at the last Giant.   'You may leave and tell your kind to bring me more entertainment' It roared 'For I AM DESATHOS LORD OF THE BLUE NOW LEAVE'   Some say to this day that if your outside of Vumeria on a clear night when the moon is at its fullest you can hear the roar of Desathos and sometimes the screams of its quarry as it attempts to flee in vain. Many have gone looking for this Dragon and none have returned, he has not been spotted in many years. Other dragons have been spotted but none matching the description of Desathos.
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