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The Nine Anvils Of Moradin

It is told within certain worship of Moradin that long ago when the world was young the gods battled for dominion on the material plane. This war gave birth to the world itself and thus the races and continents soon followed. Moradin has always been a creator and builder of many things his work was renowned even with the gods. Moradin had heard of the great war between the gods and had heard of a rise of a certain Dragon god known as Tiamat. Moradin was soon approached by the a champion of the Metallic Dragon Kin known as Bahamut. He begged Moradin to aid him in defeating this Tyrant Dragon God but lacked the power of a god. Moradin pondered for a long time over this offer but eventually agreed as the Metallics reminded him of the materials he used to forge. At this moment inspiration had hit, Moradin began forging metals and taking measurements. Moradin and Bahamut were gone for nine months. When Bahamut emerged he no longer had the scales he once had instead he was completely made from Platinum. Bahamut used his new scales to lead the charge against Tiamat gaining Bahamut belief and followers thus securing his place with the gods. So the story goes. Nine Anvils were created in honour of Moradins most amazing work these Anvils represent the time it took to create the Platinum scales and are housed around the Dwarven Kingdom. Most worshippers only see the anvils as a part of temple and everyday worship however to those who take the story at face value make sure that the Anvils are well kept and only the finest weapons and armour to be forged on them. These worshippers are close friends of Dragon-Born followers of Bahamut and will always house a Dragon-Born in trouble. These Anvils are made from pure Mythril and are engraved with the story titled 'The Smith & The Dragon'   These Anvils are also visited by a Dragon-Born tribe known as IronWulf these Dragon-Born reside in The Endless Peaks and visit each of the Anvils to pay respect to Moradin as well as Bahamut. This tribe visit each nine anvils and provide metal of each Metallic Dragon to the Temple Priests. After this each Dragon-Born provide a small Platinum offering to the Anvil which is placed around the base of the Anvil itself. This is test of the tribe however once each nine is completed they seldom revisit the temples and little is known what happens to those after they finish their pilgrimage. After Nine Months the temple priests will forge Platinum tools or jewellery this is routinely completed and has almost become tradition within the Temples whether the priest believes the story itself.   These Anvils are extremely valuable due to the Anvil itself being made from Mythril. Although the Forging of Mythril is recalled it is a bit of mystery where the Dwarfs found such large quantity of Mythril to make such large Anvils. Elders of the Dwarfs either claim to not remember or are keeping the secret with them however this is largely speculative amongst Moradin worshippers. Some of the Anvils are located within Cities however a few are scattered in secret places and will need to speak to certain members of the these Anvils to find out more of the locations.
Temple / Church


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