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Emya (Eh-ma-yah)


Mostly Dwarfs and other humanoid creatures.  

General Information:

Emya started as a dwarven mining town much like Iniva. Unlike the Inivan's Gold industry, the Emya Capital Regarow was built from the gorgeous marble from Emya’s mines. The Capital now is home to not just dwarfs, but many other humanoid races. Since the fall of Iniva, many survivors relocated to Emya or Hikari. Unlike Iniva’s fascination with innovation, Emya is also known as the Land of Music. It is rich with artistic culture in all of the arts, but the people have a special affinity to music. Regarow houses the most advanced and prestigious Bard schools and is widely known for their Winter and Summer Solstice Music Festivals. Emya is run by two partition-elected figureheads and a council of 100 district members. Prior to the Galta civil war, there were representatives from the other contents that stayed within Regarow. Now Emya sends a representative to stay in Aelta every 5 years. South of Regarow is Emya’s most productive mine, surrounded by a large dwarven community known as Vlans. This particular mine has not only the marble that Emya is so well known for but also precious metals as well.


Emya is mainly composed of hilly grasslands, however, the south-eastern side of the Emya territory is more similar to a savanna tundra as it gets closer to the deserts of Nima

Natural Resources




by Esporiia
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Music and the Marble Mines
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by dinabelenko


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