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Armis (Are-miss)


Mainly Wood Elves  

General Information:

A small island in the northeast sea between Hikari and Valdra. Many of the larger countries stay away from Armis, no one is quite sure why, but the island always seems so hard to navigate to with the dense fog that lingers along the sea outside the island. However, Arus convoys often trade some of their more exotic foods and goods with Valdra, Hikari, and Galta.


Composed mostly of jungle terrain teeming with small natural waterfalls. Surrounded by abundant sea life. The weather is often on the cooler side but can get quite hot in the middle of the day. Small showers often occur, occasionally intense storms.

Natural Resources




in reference to the Apothecary
Fire Fliar
Peacock Rose
Hibiscus (Blue, Pink, White, Yellow, Orange)
Coral Bells
Copihue Rosado
Puya Alpestris


There is really only one tribe that inhabits the island and they are known to stay rather secluded from the rest of the world. The Island’s inhabitants are mainly wood elves and are governed by a Chief family. This family is said to be blessed by the moon goddess Selûne herself and said to hold the secrets of the moon.
Alternative Name(s)
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by dinabelenko
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