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Balmeren (Ball-mare-ren)


Wood Elfs, Eldrin, Driads    

General Information:

The Balmeren is the land of one large tribe. The people who live here are known as the Balmera, and the tribe is completely composed of mostly Wood Elves, Eldrin, and Driads as far as 'citizen' status is considered. The Balmera tribe is very reclusive, so little is within the world records on them. What is known is that they are governed by one Priest or Priestess. Means to how the priest/ess is chosen are unknown, however, it is speculated that they are somehow picked on the event known as the Kiezen. No non-native has witnessed the Kiezen, and as such, no information about the event has been published.


The outer ring of the island is a sandy beach that slowly turns into a prairie, which then becomes a forest. The Balmera often live within tree houses or within the mother tree in the center of the island. In the very center of the island is a ring of forestry which is known as the Balmerens sacred grove.

Natural Resources


to be added...  


to be added...
by Esporiia
Alternative Name(s)
The True Wilderness and The Mother Tree
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by dinabelenko
This article has no secrets.


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