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Tajeer (T-awe-jeer)


Mainly Drow, With Low Levels of Dragonborn, Tieflings, Kenku, Yuan-ti Purebloods, Gith, and Changelings  

General Information:

Post 14730 to Modern Day:

  The forest canopy that once housed the Drow civilians has been destroyed. The land once lush with vegetation is a deadland covered in ashen trees and rocky ground. The metropolis for the Drow population has been moved into a part of Tajeer that is similar to an underground crater. In a large cavern underground with no view of the sky, there is a landmass of rock sitting in a lake of water. New Osecaster is built here. The old system of government remains mostly unchanged. The governing authority is a council of Matriarcial figureheads. The council is composed of 40 Nobel Drow Women, being led primarily by a Priestess of Lolth, with co-leaders titled the Champion and the Speaker. The Pope has total control over the religious aspects of the country and is up for reelection after death or with all 40 members voting her out. The Pope is able to Veto any policies, she oversees the region's Clergy Program and has the final say on all political matters. The Champion is in charge of foreign policy as well as Tajeer’s militia, she is up for re-election every 400 years. And the Speaker is who oversees the entire council as well as most domestic policies.


Pre 13012:

  Tajeer is mainly composed of extremely dense forestry with the exception of some rocky mountain train to the south, and an almost constant frosting of the north side.

Post 14730 to Modern Day:

  A deadland covered in ashen trees and rocky ground. From an aerial view, the island is torn into a spiderweb pattern that cuts into the earth making a large cliff terrain. Emia remains the most untouched of the outlying islands, the Island was converted into a shrine for Lolth in 9056 and was thus spared from her rampaige.

Natural Resources


Black Saphire  


in relation to Apothecary :
Red Chamomile
Ceder Pines
Silver Whisps Breath
Orchid (Black, Red, Purple)
Black jeweled Orchid
Bleeding Heart (Black, Red, Purple)
Black Dragon Wisteria
Ceanothus TreeCeanothus Tree
Black Diamond Apples


Pre 13012:

The extremely dense forests of Tajeer are home to many Dark elves. While the capital Osecaster has a few dragonborn, tiefling, as well as a few Kenku and humans, over 90% of the Tajeer population is made of Drow. The foggy forests are said to get so dark, that even during the daytime many humans are unable to see more than 2 feet away. To the north, the trees start to grow less thick and many are frosted over by snow for most of the year. The governing authority is a council of Patriarchal figureheads with Osecaster being the Government's base of operations. The council is composed of 40 members, being led primarily by the Pope, the Champion, and the Speaker. The Pope has almost total control over the religious aspects of the country and is up for reelection every 100 years. The Champion is in charge of foreign policy as well as Tajeer’s militia, s/he is re-elected every 400 years. And the Speaker is who oversees the entire council as well as most domestic policies. To the East of Osecaster is Crerton which is a popular, public, military base. Unlike Osecaster, where there is a large emphasis upon the arcana arts, Crerton is known for its huge gladiator ring fights and monster fights. South of Crerton is Sutpreus, a small fishing town where many of Tajeers humans populate. Lastly Deka is a small tribe at the south end of Tajeer within the rocky mountains. Some cave-dwelling Yuan-ti Purebloods reside here. They are a far more barbaric tribe and often are seen as monstrous by the council of Osecaster.  


Period of Lolth's Rampage


Tourism in Tajeer's Capital, Osecaster is extremely strict. Visitors must go through regulations that involve the removal of all weapons and magical items. They are given a temperamental pass that lasts up to one month. The pass takes the form of a magical temporary tattoo that changes color the closer a tourist gets to the month marker. If a tourist remains inside Osecaster past the month marker they are nocked to 1 hit point every morning at dawn.
Week 1: Green Tattoo
Week 2: Yellow
Week 3: Orange 
Week 4: Red
After 1 Month: Black
by Esporiia
Alternative Name(s)
The Spiders Web
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by dinabelenko


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