Monoch Augustus Character in Etharis | World Anvil
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Monoch Augustus

Manoch Augustus, the named figure behind the Augustine Trading Company. Manoch was a clergyman who left the priesthood amid a scandal involving the church’s finances. With few options left, he turned his talents to commerce. After a number of false starts, Augustus found his way into a lucrative profession—the weapons trade. With the help of some investors from the nobility, he founded an arms trading company in Morencia.   With the gold he earned, he purchased land and lent coin to the rich. After systematising predatory lending practices and enforcing them ruthlessly, the Augustine Trading Company ended up as the wealthiest faction in all of Etharis. They are one of the few non-government entities rich enough to hire the services of the Free Swords Company. However, through the machination of its latest head Kolyhs “The Blazing Brain”, Master of the Bankers Guild and Augustine Trading Company the line between company and government has blurred as an organ of the Augustine Trading Company became a dominant force on the Morencian Supreme Council.
Monoch Augustus Portrait


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