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Within western Grarjord lies the land of Thrull, a forbidding land dotted with icy peaks and frozen forests. While the land shows hints of green from afar, its soil is of poor quality for farming. Thus those who live there feed themselves the only way they can—by taking from other lands. Upon the island of Holgar lies their capital, the harbor city of Tyburn, a central port for longships.   Thrull is currently under the rule of the clans of Rune, Sýr, and Völgr


Thrull is a province ruled by druids, who maintain a spiritual link with the primordial forces of the world. While the three chieftains of the clans maintain some independence, they generally bow to the will of the Prismatic Circle, making Thrull a de facto theocracy.   The people of Thrull regularly raid other settlements outside their lands, particularly those in Kandar. The druids ritually sacrifice slaves and captives beneath sacred trees, all to deepen the slumber of the Great Wyrm. Travelers from Thrull tell gruesome stories of forests where skinned and gutted men hang from the boughs of ancient oaks. At this time, the leader of the clans is Chief Nolgr Magnusson of the Völgr, Keeper of the Three Tribes. Magnusson enjoys the approval of the Circle, and cannot be easily dislodged from his position through force of arms alone. A warmonger, Magnusson is more interested in earthly rewards and regularly sends raiding parties to attack Kandar towns and cities.


Three clans settled on the island of Holgar: the Rune, who embody elemental magic best; the Sýr, great metalsmiths; and the Völgr, a warrior society. Though the three feuded time and again over land and grazing rights, they generally maintained cooperative ties with each other. The disappearance of Thorgard, left the clans with a power vacuum. Warlords immediately began vying for control of Grarjord. But one individual took a different course. On Holgar, an elemental druid named Kybard gained power by advocating a strange belief: that Gormadraug still lives but sleeps beneath the earth and sea. Should it awaken, it would bring about the end of the world. To keep it in slumber, the Valikan must follow the time-honoured traditions of Thorgard: war, raiding, and bloodshed. Though originally met with opposition, Kybard’s teachings found adherents among the clan leaders. The three largest clans—the Rune, the Sýr, and the Völgr—joined together under Kybard’s banner and called their province Thrull. Of the three great clans, Clan Rune is the most adept at magic, creating runestones that store spells that they can activate during combat. Their chief, Ordun, remains outwardly loyal to the Prismatic Circle but is intent on pursuing independence from their rule. Clan Sýr is focused on expanding their economy, and has heavily invested in slaves to man their forges. Their weaponsmithing is famous throughout Grarjold. Finally, Clan Völgr is the most loyal to the Prismatic Druids. They regularly provide captives, slaves, and criminals as human sacrifices for the Circle’s rituals. At times, the rivers of the land run red with the blood of these victims.

Trade & Transport

Most of the Thrull economy is derived from their traditions of raiding and slavery. The Thrull have perfected the art of raiding: longboats carry small contingents of warriors aided by druids. The druids command the tides to carry the ships swiftly through the sea, and allowing them to approach their victims under cover of fog. Etharian ships and ports have learned to fear the coming of the sea mists. Fishing, hunting, smithing, and whaling round off the list of the Thrull industries. Trade is kept within the three clans: the Rune produce elixirs and enchanted runestones, the Sýr forge weapons, shields, and armour, and the Völgr train fighters. A black market exists for trading with other nations, but this practice is forbidden by the druids, who want to maintain the Thrull’s isolationist stance.
Geopolitical, Vicekingdom
Government System
Parent Organization


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