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Toletum is the house of power in the Castinellan Provinces, fueled by the mines of the Corova Mountains, and home of the region’s most renowned military companies.   The seat of government for the Castinellan theocracy, the province of Toletum is the nation’s military nervepoint. Located southeast of the Charneault Kingdom, the province serves as a gateway between the Castinellan Provinces and the rest of Etharis.   Toletum possesses a proud military tradition, one that matches Bürach’s own province of Unterland. Per the teachings of Empyreus, the theocracy emphasizes readiness for war and strength in battle. As such, even a child as young as seven knows the rudiments of the bow and spear. Various military schools have been established outside of the city, each one competing in annual games to gain prestige and attract more students. Those who choose to enroll receive membership to a mercenary company, as well as gain access to the best weapons training outside of the Academy of Swords.   Supporting this militaristic stance is a highly developed smithing industry. It is said that the fires of the Ember Forge never go out, not with the continuous flow of coal and ore from the nearby Corova Mountains and the provinces’ appetite for a righteous war. Toletum strictly adheres to the teachings of Empyreus as codified in the theocracy’s laws. The laws themselves are absolute, as citizens that espouse other beliefs are accused of heresy. The Inquisition’s influence is most potent here. A reward awaits those who inform on arcane spellcasters foolish enough to enter the city.  

Administrative Centre of the Provinces

  Since the establishment of the theocracy to the glory of the Arch Seraph Empyreus, Toletum has grown into a huge, industrious city that administers the affairs of all the Castinellan Provinces. Settled in a large curb of the Salves, just under the main massif of the Corova mountains, Toletum is an obligatory crossing point between the south of Castinella and the rest of Etharis. Merchants coming buying Castinellan goods or selling their own, official envoys, and convoys from the three provinces all converge on the city.   The Arch Basilica of Empyreus is the main complex where the rigorous laws of Castinella are made and amended, with the common denominator that all must follow the precepts of Empyreus.   It is not a surprise that The Watchers of the Faithful, a militant faction dedicated to serving the faith of the Arch Seraphs, have established their headquarters in Corova. Their High Priest Nola Cirdanal is a zealous follower of Empyreus and on good terms with the Castinellan clergy, who the Watchers offer generous discounts on their service in expeditions against the enemies of the true faith.

Industry & Trade

The Ember Forge

  Fueled by a constant flow from the mines of the Corova mountains, the Ember Forge occupy a vast area just downstream of the city, half built on the river to allow easy access to the water required to quench their handiwork. The forges never stop, filling the entire area with constant noise and smoke that nearly suffocates the city when the winds blow upstream.   Most of the forges’ production is dedicated to the Castinellan Provinces themselves, mainly to the Faro arsenals and the military companies installed in Toletum, but also to the Watchers of the Faithful, whose growing numbers require more and more steel to launch operations all over Etharis against those who deviate from the true faith of the Divine Seraphs.    

The Business of War

  Even before the times of the Unifier, Toletum was an industrious city that relied on metal processing and on military endeavours. The famous Toletum Squares were feared in battle for their tenacity and efficiency. Their combination of seasoned pikemen, crossbowmen, and shielded swordsmen dominated battlefields for centuries, and are still very efficient. Many mercenary companies sell their services in Toletum, either to the greater cause of the Castinellan theocracy or to foreign entities. They occupy huge areas outside Toletum where they train recruits, while their commercial offices are in the city centre. This intense military activity requires an equivalent weapon trade, hence the relentless work of the forges and armouries.   As the most renowned mercenary army in Etharis, the Company of Free Swords has a significant post in Toletum. However, it is not often engaged with, as the Castinellan clergy dislikes their use of wizards. The Free Swords used to benefit from exceptional treatment on this, but the situation has been tense since the beginning of the Great Purge, and the Free Swords may not maintain their presence if things escalate further.
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