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The Great Merging

Celestial / Cosmic


As Aol tried to defend the universe of Etharis from the Elder Evils, the Great Wheel collapsed and planes of existence merged together, often crashing with the material plane or even other universes and releasing the elder races.

Aol the Architect has been constructing and protecting the universe of Etharis for Eons. as the Elder Evils roamed through the Astral Sea of the multiverse Aol always tried to keep his universe moving so they might never catch up with it.   But the Elder Evils were fast and as they almost reached Etharis Aol sent his creations, the Dreamers, a vision to save themselves in the core of the planet. Aol then shot the universe through the Astral Sea as a last attempt to save it from the Elder Evils. He sacrificed himself leaving remnants of his Godhood in the empty planet.   The constructs of the architect could not withstand the powerful blast of Aol and the planes of Acheron, Gehenna, Hades, Carceri, the Abyss, Pandaemonium and the Nine Hells merged together to the Netherworld, a demonic reflection the material plane similiar to the Shadowfell. while Mechanus and Limbo stayed as seperate planes, Arcadia, Mount Celestia, Bytopia, Elysium, the Beastlands, Arborea and Ysgard merged to be Celestia, a celestial plane resembling the material plane.   As the journey of Etharis universe continued the planes of existence briefly collided with the Material plane also crashing with other universes. this led to the emergence of the elder races who found themselves on the empty continent of Etharis.   First the Elemental Planes brought the Primordials upon the world, then the orcs followed, then the dragonborn , dwarves and elves etc. and most recently the humans.   As leaders of different races found the remnants of Aols energy they themselves ascended to Godhood, realising the threat of the Elder Evils and their duty to protect the universe.

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