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History of Etharis

The Sleeping Days

-3001 and before

This is a time lost to history. Humanoid creatures called "Dreamers" ruled over the continent. Their magic abilities allowed them to look into the future. as they saw a horrible cataclysm approaching they decided to burrow themselves into the earth and sleep until safe days may arrive.   During this time only the God of the Dreamers, Aol the Architect, existed which ruled over the universe and and preserved the order of the great wheel of the planes.

  • -3040 BR

    The Great Merging
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As Aol tried to defend the universe of Etharis from the Elder Evils, the Great Wheel collapsed and planes of existence merged together, often crashing with the material plane or even other universes and releasing the elder races.

The Primitive Age

from -3000 to -1900

While the elder races established clans and nations in small numbers the orc-tribes reproduced the fastest and spread across the land with brutal strategies bringing bloodshed over the land. With an Iron Fist they ruled the whole of Etharis religiously, opressing the other elder races until they seemingly vanished completely afterwards. some say their shamans lead them to the sea and they sailed eastwards never to be seen again.   Even though orcs seemed to rule the lands in pure numbers, the true leader were the offspring of Ardulson and Tiamat. For every tribe, orc, human, dwarven or any other race, was truly lead by a dragon of a specific color.

  • -3000 BR

    Birth of the New Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The first sparks of Aol's power were found and consumed, with this a new pantheon of gods rose to rule ove the lands.

  • -1990 BR

    The Elemental Invasion
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Primordial Forces entered the material Plane and conquered Grarjord bringing destruction and constant change to the land.


The Great Expansion/The Great Purge

from -500 to 100

Different tribal human-armies marched simultaneously north, south and west; no land was safe. Unable to unite or react in time, the dwarven and elven monarchs watched as human warriors swarmed and usurped their lands. The human race emerged victorious after countless generations of bloodshed that changed Etharis forever.

  • -468 BR

    -10 BR

    The Aetheric War

    While the Gods noticed, that the forces of the Aether Kindred edged closer and closer,they did not understand yet their duty to defend Etharis from this threat. But as the Aether Kindred consumed the entire race of the Sommerkin, Ardulson called for an active war against the eldritch entities, loosing in the end.

  • -46 BR

    The Valikan Unification

    Thorgard of Völgr unified the Valikans Clans and drove away the invaders from the south.

  • 0 BR

    Bürach's Rise

    Emperor Indorius founded the Bürach Empire

  • 27 BR

    Ostoyas Founding

    Elias Beralt and his followers travelled across the Grey Spine and claimed the lands behind those mountains as the community and later empire of Ostoya

  • 67 BR

    The Thrull-Kandar War
    Military: War

    The Unified Valikan Clans disbanded into the provinces of Thrull and Kandar and started a war against each other.

  • 98 BR

    Liesechs Founding and the Contract of Filth

    Liesech declared itself a independent city-state and made a contract with an Eldritch being called "Filthgrazer"


the Time of Descent

from 100 to 650

This second Great Era, known as the Era of Descent, lost even more lives to its endless carnage. The result was the disintegration of the human race into fractious kingdoms. The Second Era considerably weakened the kingdoms of the humans, allowing the other races to emerge from hiding and re-establish some principalities in the lands they once ruled.

  • 132 BR

    Outbreak of the Weeping Pox
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Filthgrazer released the Weeping Pox upon the world.

  • 132 BR

    The Red Morning
    Military action

    Analita von Raiza, a Vampire sent by the Bürach Empire to infiltrate Liesech, murders the Bouwengracht Family

  • 214 BR

    Start of the Endless War
    Military action

    The Bürach Empire started a war against the Ostoyan people as they refused their claim to the land of Ostoya.

  • 220 BR

    The Morencian Birth

    Morencia established itself as a independent citystate.

  • 232 BR

    240 BR

    The Darkfall
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The ruins of Necropolis were opened by an earthquake and necrotic energy poured over the lands of Ostoya. Shortly afterwards the Nobles of Ostoya rose as vampires and brought a equal force against the Bürach Empire with the Crimson Court.

  • 235 BR

    The Collapse of the Dark tunnels

    Stretched to breaking, the Ostoyans fell to drastic measures. A specialised company of soldiers descended into the abyss and held off the horde. Then, mages from Raevo collapsed the largest of the fissures, sealing the undead back underground. With that, the Ostoyans hoped to turn their efforts back to repelling the Bürach.

  • 236 BR

    The Return of the Fallen

    Eventually, the missing explorers returned, though as many would soon find out, they had been changed forever. They marched with an undead horde that rose in full force into Soma. The desperate Ostoyan Nobilty slowly but sure was infected by vampirism one after the other.

  • 238 BR

    The Pact of the Charneault Kingdom

    Aymeric Noblecoeur unites the human tribes and elves of Caer Neiada as one Kingdom with the Pact of the Sacred Land bringing peace and union to the region.

  • 242 BR

    The Raevan Secession
    Military action

    The knowledge that vampires had taken over the nobility created a deep schism among the Ostoyan populace. Despite efforts to suppress them, the entire province of Raevo seceded from the Aristocracy and started a civil war.


The Death of Hope

650 BR and beyond

  • 650 BR

    Gods End
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The last four Divines died. While Aurelia sacrificed herself to protect Etharis the other gods: Maligant, Ulmyr and Galt slew each other in their madness fueled by the mad king.

  • 653 BR

    The Dark Elf Curse
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Dark Elves of the Charneault Kingdom conspired against the humans, wanting to destroy the Kingdom for elven supremacy. with their attempt to overthrow the Kingdom they cursed the spirits of nature and created a dark mist.

  • 662 BR

    The Unification of the Castinellan Provinces

    Montego Valieda unifies the three provinces of Castinella in the name of the Arch Angel Empyreus to create a theocratical militaristic state.

  • 667 BR

    Godfrey's Betrayal
    Military: Battle

    Godfrey Grim, a former Paladin of Empyreus, lead 10.000 man against the Arcane Inquisition in rebellion against the genocide of arcane magic-users and died as Empyreus sent his angels to slaughter the new heretics.

  • 694 BR

    The Folly of Ulmyr's Gate
    Disaster / Destruction

    The founding mages of Ulmyr’s Gate attempted a massive conjuration ritual intended to part the veil and create a permanent portal to the Ethereal Plane. It didn’t work. Instead their magic caused a massive rift in the very fabric of reality, and in an instant the entire city tipped into the void between worlds.

  • 731 BR

    The Return of the Ethereal
    Life, Birth

    Stories in Nordenland surfaced of strange people being sighted in the region where Ulmyr’s Gate once stood. These people seemed oddly blurred or indistinct, and some reports said they vanished right in front of witnesses’ eyes. Gradually it became clear that these poor souls were the survivors of the Ethereal Rift, now trapped between worlds and trying to retain their tenuous grasp on the Material Plane.   With this event the Disembodied entered the political landscape of Etharis.

  • 735 BR

    The Battle of Three Tides
    Military: Battle

    The Castinellan Provinces failed their newest attempt to besiege Morencia in a battle between Castinella, Morencia and the Charneault Kingdom as their allies.
