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Gods End

Celestial / Cosmic


The last four Divines died. While Aurelia sacrificed herself to protect Etharis the other gods: Maligant, Ulmyr and Galt slew each other in their madness fueled by the mad king.

In ancient times, the many gods of Etharis guided their people to prosperity and enlightenment. That all changed during the Aetheric War, where the gods took up arms against a host of cosmic horrors called the Aether Kindred.   This conflict led to the loss of nearly the entire pantheon. Many believe that the gods fled this reality for safer realms. Some scholars claim the gods were consumed by the very horrors they sought to destroy.   Those gods that survived returned to rule Etharis. With their balance disrupted, though, they could no longer exist at peace with one another. They made war among themselves over who should rule above the others. Thus, the last of the gods extinguished one another.   Etharis has been left a godless plane undergoing a prolonged dark age. All that remains of the once almighty pantheon are the lieutenants of these lost gods, Arch Seraphs and Daemons who have been left to their own devices. While they wield enormous power, these beings are far less than the gods they once served. Some still attempt to fulfill the functions of their lost masters. Others have opted to pursue their own agendas    

The Bürachs Influence

    So great was the impact of Indorius’s rule that the Bürach instituted what would be known as the Edict of Eternal Blood. According to this law, only one of the emperor’s direct descendants could be raised to the throne. The Hearthkeepers took great care to preserve the purity of the imperial family. Cousins and sometimes siblings were led to marry in order to maintain the Edict. However, many voices across the Bürach warned against such acts, but   their words fell on deaf ears. Encouraged by the priesthood, the people’s faith in the Imperial family kept the government in power, and for centuries all was right in the world. That changed with Emperor Leopold I. From a young age, it was clear that Leopold was truly, irrevocably mad. He often spoke to things that weren’t there and treated people like they were insects, having servants imprisoned   and flayed for the smallest infractions. Officials whispered among themselves that they could not in good conscience put him into power, but to disobey the Edict was to invite disaster for the government. Thus, one summer solstice, Leopold was crowned Emperor of the Bürach. Possessed by religious fervour, Leopold exhorted the masses to believe that only one of the four gods should rule supreme. Why should they each   follow four, when only one--the greatest, most powerful of all--was deserving of their devotion? Each sect then began to argue that their god should be the One True Deity. Leopold’s madness seeped into the four artifacts he wore. Worse, as these artifacts carried the   essences of the four gods, his madness fed back into their minds, driving them insane. The Four Divines turned on each other, each believing they should be the One True God. The gods warred in the heavens, causing calamities such as storms, flash fires, and earthquakes. Their hostility quickly spread to their worshippers. Within a year, the Bürach Empire had descended into civil war as the four provinces fought among   themselves. To end the violence, individuals from the four provinces conspired against the emperor. Their assassins swept into the imperial palace and killed Leopold. With his death, the sacred artifacts disappeared. This caused the Divine Aurelia to come out of her insanity long enough to see that the gods’ battles would soon destroy all of Etharis. She then used all her power to shield the   land from the gods’ war. In so doing, she gave up her own life. In time the other three—Maligant, Ulmyr, and Galt—slew each other. The death of the Four Divines sent a shockwave of magic throughout the Empire. Divine magic still exists, but is now believed to radiate from the remaining Arch Seraphs and Daemons, not from the dead gods themselves. The leaders of each province called for a ceasefire, and each army retreated to their land to heal and recover from their losses. A new emperor, Aratron I, was installed and provided counterfeit sacred artifacts to shore up the people’s faith. This emperor served only as a figurehead; the Hearthkeeper ministers of Aurelia were now the real power behind the throne.

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