The Bürach Callander

When Etharis was conquered by The Bürach Empire and indeed in countless conquests before the recorded histories of the eons have been lost.   However over the many years since the empire was declared, countless scholars of Etharis have attempted to piece together the histories of this perilous land.   The land of Etharis predominantly uses The Bürach Callander.   Ages: The Hearthkeepeers are high priests of Aurelia in the empire. They keep the histories and watch events across the continent to determine the changing of ages.

The Man Age

0 3000

Humans tribes start emerging on the continent.

  • 100 MA

    Birth of Vallika
    Diplomatic action

    Some Human clans in the North join forces with the remnants of the Orc Clans in Kandar. They slaughter all the Elves in The North of the continent.

  • 2300 MA

    Humans Join Forces With Halflings
    Cultural event

    First recorded evidence of Humans and Halflings living together.

  • 2654 MA

    Scientific achievement

    Gunpowder discovered by The Dwarves.

  • 2999 MA

    Death Of The Elven Pantheon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Humans physically enter The Fade with blood magic. These beings ascend to Godhood and The Elves are stripped of their immortality

The Expansion Age

3000 5477

The Human Pantheon rises to reign over the cosmos. Etharis is thrown into a time of endless wars of conquest.

  • 1 EA

    1000 EA

    Elvish - Human Wars
    Military: War

    Endless War for the conquest of Etharis between The Elves and The Humans. Many histories are lost in this time.

  • 1001 EA

    The Bürach Empire

    The Bürach Empire declares itself. Having concurred most of the mainland (Excluding Valika, The Charneault Kingdom and Castinella.) They crown Emperor Maximux I.

  • 1005 EA

    The Mass Charneault Migration
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Last Remnants of The Elven Empire of Allvaleon is destroyed. The Elvish population is drastically lessened. Most flee to The Charnault region. Any invaders by land loose themselves in The Grove Maze. Elves who do not flee are eslaved by The Bürach Empire.

  • 1015 EA

    The Great Unification of Castinella
    Political event

    The great unification of the warring Castinellan Provinces. Declaring themselves The Castinella nation. Declaring a dragon riding warrior - Alistair Saint-Baudelaire - The Great Unifire and King.

  • 1120 EA

    The Burning of Altenhiem.
    Disaster / Destruction

    High Queen Vanya of Vallika Burns down the Bürach capitol city of Altenhiem on dragon back. Declaring the Valikan war clans an independent nation and demanding all Bürach Military beyond Nordenland fall back. Threatening to burn more or the empire should they not.

  • 1178 EA

    Birth of The Morencian Devil Race
    Life, Crime

    High Priest gone pirate, Saint Augustine looses his vessel in The Misty Reef on the run from The Bürach Empire, having robbed The Imperial Treasury. His daughter Morencia is blind and able to navigate the waters. They discover a rocky island beyond the mists, concealed away. Here they found The Saint Augustine Trading Company (an illegal arms dealer) and The City of Morencia. Upon setting foot on the stone Saint Augustine is cursed with a devilish appearance. A punishment from the gods - or so it’s said.

  • 1245 EA

    1339 EA

    Western Pirate War
    Military: War

    Pirates go to war with The Charnault Kingdom and The Bürach Empire. They raid the western coast oast from The Emerald Sea. Plundering Elvish relics and heirlooms. Selling them from Morencia to the wealthy of all Etharis.

  • 1455 EA

    Death of Saint Augustine
    Life, Death

    Saint Augustine dies having fathered a thousand bastards. In his lifetime he rose The City Of Morencia to the prime independent free city state. His daughter goes on to found The Navigators Guild and construct The High Temple of The Gods.

  • 2452 EA

    Birth of Emperor Leopold I.
    Life, Birth

    Emperor Leopold I is born. His father Emperor Consus III swears to gift his son with the Dwarven Kingdoms which hide beneath The Greyspine Mountains.

  • 2453 EA

    Beginning of The Spinal Conquest.
    Military: War

    The Bürach Empire marches upon The Grey Spine Mountains.

  • 2470 EA

    Treaty Between Bürach and Grey Spine Empires
    Diplomatic action

    The dwarven empire beneath The Grey Spine sign a treaty with The Bürach. Declaring themselves a part of The Empire.

  • 2477 EA

    Coronation of Emperor Leopold I
    Political event

    Emperor Leopold I is crowned.

  • 2477 EA

    The God Fall
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods war in the heavens. Killing eachother and almost destroying Etharis in the process.

The Godless Age

5479 5779

  • 0 GA

    222 GA

    The Bürach Civil War

    The provinces of Bürach fall into dissary with their vacant Gods. They believe The Gods will return only when their worshipers have proven themselves above the others. Resulting in an apocalyptic civil war which ravaged the entire continent.

  • 3 GA

    Assassination of Emperor Leopold I
    Political event

    Emperor Leopold I is murdered in his throne room by clergy assassins in an attempt to end both the civil and celestial war. His wife and three children are executed s year later. Ending The Celsus Armina Dynasty. The war continues between the four provinces lead by the High Priests of the four dead gods.

  • 18 GA

    Castinellan Circle Of Magi

    King Tibernus secures the boarders of Castinella and returns to Toletum. There he prevents a coup of court wizards. The circle of Magi is formed as a result. Mages are taken from their families to serve the nation.

  • 19 GA

    The Arcanist Inquisitorious

    The Arcanist Inquisitorious is founded as a militant branch of mage keepers in Castinella after a rise in dark magical practices and crime.

  • 66 GA

    The Devils Bank

    The Devils Bank is Established and funds wars all over Etharis.

  • 131 GA

    Strange Mutations In Bürach / First claimed sighting of The Beast
    Discovery, Scientific

    The population of several hamlets across Bürach Empire land devlop strange dissimilar mutations. Abberant horors. Many of the infected go mad. They all claim to have seen The Beast.

  • 218 GA

    Ostoya succeeds from The Bürach Empire.
    Political event

    The entire Eastern rejoin of The Bürach Empire joins under Emperess Aurienne I. She brings the greatest minds and sorcerers to her council in Nov Ostoya forming a government.

  • 222 GA

    Coronation of Emperor Aratron I
    Political event

    After 222 years of war The High Priests of The Bürach Empire crown Lord Aratron Cantaxus Emperor. The four High Priests form The Heathkeepers Council, to esure the proper religious guidenceto The Bürach Emperor ever after.

  • 223 GA

    Queen Gloryanna I is Assassinated
    Life, Death

    Casinellan royal line ended as Her Unifying Highness Queen Gloryanna I is assassinated by her Court Wizard (Uwyn The Treacherous). The priests of Embre Cairn take control of the rejoin creating a theocracy.

  • 223 GA

    The Eternal War
    Military: War

    The Eternal War between Bürach and Ostoya. The Grey Spine Pass becomes a bloody War Zone. Borders change continuously.

  • 224 GA

    The Watchers Of The Faithful
    Religious event

    A new government is formed in Castinella. The Watchers Of The Faithful are a council of six high priests dedicated to six of the Dead Gods. The nation becomes a Theocracy.

  • 234 GA

    Execution of Uwyn The Treacherous
    Life, Death

    Uwyn The Treacherous is burned at the stake in Toletum. Strict human rights laws are altered regarding mages in Castinella

  • 236 GA

    Castinellan Invasion Of Charnault
    Military: War

    Invasion of The Charnault Kingdom by Castinella. Lasting 5 years.

  • 239 GA

    Deep Lead
    Discovery, Scientific

    Properties of Deep Lead effects on magic discovered in Castinella.

  • 245 GA

    Dragons Extinct

    Dragons are hunted to extinction by rumours that the slayer would be granted demigodhood.

  • 251 GA

    A Star Falls Into The Gulf Of Lions
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 252 GA

    The Disaster Of Ulmyrs Gate
    Disaster / Destruction

    The entire city of Ulmyr’s Gate is ripped into The Fade.

  • 300 GA

    The Dark Fall
    Life, Supernatural

    As The Bürach Empire for the first time reach Nov Ostoya, a terrible earthquake shook the Soma region. Something sinister underneath the ground was making itself known. The skies darkened over Ostoya as necrotic energy poured out of cracks in the earth. Vampires crawled from the fissures. They marched with an unending undead horde that rose in full force into Soma. Slaughtering The Bürach and Ostoyans alike. The sun does not return. The entire rejion is plunged into chaos.

The Dark Age

5780 and beyond

  • 1 DA

    The Bürach Forces Flee Ostoya
    Military action

    The Bürach Empire abandon their forts in Ostoyan territory and retreat to their homeland.

  • 2 DA

    The Great Collapse
    Military action

    A specialised company of soldiers descended into the abyss and hold off the horde. Then, mages from Raevo collapsed the largest of the fissures, sealing the undead back underground.

  • 3 DA

    The Crimson Cough Coup

    A strange sickness begins to spread among the nobility of Nov Ostoya. They die only to rise again-as vampires. The undead quickly overrun the government and suppress all opposition. The royal family are massacred.

  • 4 DA

    The Crimson Court

    The Crimson Court vampire oligarchy is established as the Soma region is overran with undead.

  • 6 DA

    Vivienne Talisean Elected Queen Of Raevo Mageocracy
    Political event

    Many living Ostoyans flee to Raevo. A council of mages secure the border with magical fortifications. The people elect the apprentice to Edvard Calistar (deceased Arch Mage of Ostoya) Vivienne Talisean their queen.

  • 281 DA

    The Sacking Of Castinella

    The Arcanist Inquisitorious mobalise. The Royal Family of Castinella is massacred along with all high society mages. Court wizards are cut down. The Circle of Magi is destroyed in The Sacking Of Castinella. A small mage rebelion stands. Most flee the rejion.

  • 294 DA

    Nov Ostoya Becomes The Most Populace City In Etharis
    Civil action

    Nov Ostoya becomes a metropolis of sin. The finest of all fields whom are corrupted by greed travel there to gain the advantage of an aristocratic vampire patron. All manner of political/social pariahs travel there for a better life. As well as mage refugees from Castinella. However the road to the city is perilous and many join the dead long before they reach Nov Ostoya.

  • 311 DA

    Crowning of Emperor Aratron II
    Political event

    Crowning of 8 year old Emperor Aratron II

  • 312 DA

    11 /6

    Present Day.
    Gathering / Conference

    Session one: The Annual Morencian Black Carnival. A Mysteryous case of murders plauges the city during moonless nights.