
East of the Empire, Unterland guards the border of the Grey Spine Mountains. Under the guidance of the god Maligant, the Unters rose to become the premier warriors of the Bürach Empire.

Unterland is a haven for warriors. In their capital of Olstenberg, the Unters train a host of new fighters, paladins, and rangers. Students of war find a treasure trove of reading material in the Ironblood Archives, while those seeking to prove their skill and win fame may participate in wargames held at the Imperial Arena.

Finally, those from outside Unterland who aim to be warriors of great renown spend every available coin to join the famous Academy of Swords. Attendance in the Academy is free and mandatory for capable Unter citizens; each person takes two years of rigorous military training, an achievement they wear with honor.

Industry & Trade

The Unterfolk are skilled hunters and trackers, capable of living off of the wilds--a necessity given the limited arable land in the province. Their tracking skills have been sought for mercenary work, even by foreign nations.

Raised by Maligant to be the most powerful of warriors, the Unterfolk have made soldiering their main profession. Such is their ability that even common foot soldiers from Unterland make good combat instructors in other provinces.


Unterland began as its own city-state long before the other provinces had united under one banner. Once a weak tribe of hunters living among the marshlands, the Unter people had the misfortune of being surrounded by hostile tribes. With their best soldiers lost to countless skirmishes, the Unterfolk raised their prayers and offerings the heavens and begged for salvation. It was the god Maligant who answered them.

Maligant proved to be a god of strategy and intelligent warfare. Under his tutelage, the Unters selected adapt generals to lead their troops. They learned to forge strong alliances and dissolve them when they were no longer useful. They also learned to win with surgical precision instead of relying on brute force, and to break the enemy’s spirit as well as their armies.

Their greatest conflict was undoubtedly the Etienne War, when the Vorkan tribe marched across the border to try and take their lands. However, the Vorkan made the mistake of invading during the wet season. While the Vorkans camped beside a river, the Unterfolk released the water from their dam to flood the banks. More than half the invaders drowned, and the rest were forced to retreat. Thus, the Unterfolk won the Etienne war without losing a single soldier.

Soon after, the allied Unter tribes consolidated under one territory: Unterland. They founded their capital of Olstenburg, where rose their most important institution: The Academy of Swords, where the citizenry could learn the military sciences. Every able-bodied youth was sent to the Academy for two years of training and military service. Thus, Unterland managed to grow a trained citizen army that they could field at a moment’s notice.

Like the other provinces, Unterland joined under one empire when Indorious I came into power. They served a critical function: to defend the nation and expand its borders. In battle, the Unterfolk fielded their heavy cavalry, and infantry composed of pikemen, swordsmen, crossbowmen. When needed, they also employed their hunters to wage guerrilla warfare in forested regions. Theirs was a fighting force without compare.

However, there were some in Unterland who refused to follow the Empire, seeing it as a form of imprisonment. They left Unterland, crossing the Grey Spine into a new land that they called Ostoya. Their secession would plant the seeds of bitter conflict.

The Unterfolk sage who joined in the assassination of Emperor Leopold was named Dmitri Speir, a retired general who formulated the plan and led its execution. Once the deed was done, he wrote a signed confession before committing suicide with his own sword. The Hearthkeepers named him a traitor, but defying their edict, Speir’s countrymen buried him with full honours.

Of all the provinces, it was Unterland that suffered most after the Gods’ End. With the chaos that came from the death of the Four Divines, soldiers were needed more than ever to protect the Empire from both internal and external threats. This led to a diaspora that saw thousands of men leaving to fight wars or keep the peace elsewhere.

First and paramount among the Unters attention was the new nation across the Grey Spine. Under the Empire’s orders and with the pretext of disciplining erring citizens, they invaded Ostoya and set up outposts there. Unfortunately, their initial momentum did not last; eventually, Ostoya counter-attacked with armies of the living dead, pushing the Empire back behind the Grey Spine. Knowing that to lose here would mean losing face throughout Etharis, the Bürach did not relent. The years would see a long war of attrition that would weaken both sides.

Today, Unterland’s reputation for military power is significant but tarnished, as it is pulled into more and more battles it has no choice but to fight.
National Territory
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